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The pain is so sublime
    it is like a piece of fabric torn.
Morphine is the prescription
    that is promised as relief.
I have a better healer,
a celestial figure of appeal.

Hail Holy Mother, Queen of Heaven,
      I submit myself to you.
      The pain increases,
      the pain increases.
      It keeps me awake at night.
I appeal to you, most Holy,
      please comfort me.
Mother of God,
      may my thoughts
        dwell always on you.
Sweet ******,
may my words reflect my truth
I'm lonely and alone on this
       frustrating destination.
Crawling reluctantly,
       towards the conclusion.
Afraid and disheartened.
       Alone but for You.

You lead me to your Son.
You bring me to Him.

Mumbled thinking of
      fragmented living drowns
       out living as a real person.
Collecting stones of agony
      that batters the walls of
        resistance. It destroys
        what it can not heal.

Thank you God.
Thank you for hope.

That is all I cling to.
Mary, precious Mary,
cloak me in your mantle
of promised protection.

Hail Mary,
      Hail Mary,
        Hail Mary.
 May 2016
stone the bear
How far is too far?
  sometimes it's more than a mile,
     even though its starts feeling
         good after a while.

How far is too far?
  Sometimes it's just an inch,
   Any thought of movement
     could cause a little twitch.

How far is too far?
  I will never really know,
    because within uncharted
      territories is where I
          long to go.
 May 2016
Alice Baker
We are moths and love is our flame.
 May 2016
Alice Baker
Sometimes the trees sing our song
Whispering through the budding branches
They mourn our loss
And then they bloom.
blah blah blah words
 May 2016
Mike Hauser
In the stillness of the silence

Is when you hear God's voice

When you let go of distractions

That's when he lets you know

That he is here to guide you

In heart, mind, body, soul

In the stillness of the silence

Is when you hear God's voice
she said i will write of it, remember and she is correct.

the day at the national library, all red carpet for us,

empty cabinets, tapes left dusty.

we watched the serving, watched him drinking

five glasses of water before he walked away.

 Apr 2016
shining little red hearts
glowing on my cold screen
beautiful words before my eyes
art entering my veins.
I'd give you thousands of heart
but I'm afraid
I only have one.

Beautiful words,
music to my sight,
touching my soul
my mind smiles
as I climb your beautiful lines
lines that make me weep and laugh
get me thinking
make me get lost
make me hurt
and make me feel alive
my eyes reading tirelessly
always asking for more.

Your words are the reason to smile at night
and in the mornings when storm falls
upon my inside land,
when the wind blows
is to you where I come
to find serenity.

My words are poor
and I am just a small letter
kneeling before
your majestic words.
To all the beautiful souls and minds here, especially to Anthropoetry (M'lady, always writing to  my soul), Shawna Michelle (absolutey amazing, just like the music you love), Sir WCA (a GENIUS with a banjo), Torin Galleshaw (I bow before you, Your Majesty!) MyDystopiA (OurUtopiA, sharing beautiful words coming from a beautiful soul), Akira Chinen (unique art, wonderful words), Pixievic (I hope you know you're an amazing warrior), Denel Kessler (my lovely, always making my mind travel to awesome places) and Harbinger of Belial (the one who makes me fall in love even with the superheroes and the characters I hate).
 Apr 2016
Lora Lee
i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
mine)* and it wanders over
the slopes and valleys
of my own
I think of you
in plains and grasslands
sleekly wet in mountain curve
as you coolly crack the
earthly fissures
of my heart  quakes
morning light
you transverse
your poetic speak
deep inside my night
your are always with me
in seeping pinpoints
of brightness
of gentle storms
you rock my dark to sleep
you are present
not obsessively
yet strongly
the way people describe
alcohol in veins
you regularly cut them
open, my heartstrings
you strum upon
their vibrations
like waves of calm
lulling me
into gentle earthquake
pleasure and centered
leaving pieces rocking
my bloodflow back
up interspersed
between beats
i carry you
(that heart of yours)
in my heart
and I treasure
this residence
you have taken up
in my desert
faraway touch of lips
pulse quiet
in soft booms
your voice soothing
and you i like
sweetly in
my pulse
as seeds just
i carry your heart
inside mine all day
your voice soothing
my raging river
in your flow
Based on The National Poetry Month Prompt Number 25: write a poem that begins with a line from a another poem (not necessarily the first one), but then goes elsewhere with it.
This is from e.e.cummings ;ï carry your heart with me

and based on real feelings
 Apr 2016
Lord, fill my heart with Your love
Allow me to see You with open eyes
Forgive me for my transgressions
Take my hand and lead me home
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