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 Sep 2016
JK Cabresos
Alone in the room,
my hands are stained
with poetry.
 Oct 2015
In us we lust
The stars they ******
Into my eyes
With parted thighs
And warm hands that strangle
Like twitching fingers that tangle
Among sweet lips of death
Each holding their breath
Unaware of the danger
That kissed your neck
But now your body's inept

And your thoughts they collect
And aims them at varying
The sweat on your frown
the castle of hearts
It does fade
The next card on deck
Is a *****

But the laughing man's mouth is a cage
His sentences like homes that fall
Each word is a crumbling wall
Fists clenched in a ball
That roll off the bridge of my face
And send blood through my breathing space

My temper, it burns like fire
My body once filled with desire
Now craves to see your life expire
 Oct 2015
Emma Katka
you told me it's like
i have sparks in my head
i told you i liked
the way i felt in your bed
but choices are choices
and they're mine alone
it's not about feeling small comforts
it's about feeling at home
 Oct 2015
This time next year
I still want to be this
passionate for your presence.

I still want to be jealous
as you drool over every name
other than mine.

I still want to crave for your attention with only an exceeded crave
as a result.

I still want to make you smile
as you force yourself to forget that i
made your muscles move.

I still want to say
that I'll take whatever i can take
from you.

I still want to be
in this
blasphemous relationship.

I still want to try
to get in the way between you
and your religion

And accept this very subtle victory.

I still want you
to think about what this
could be.

I still want to entice you
with the taboo relationship
of no relations.

I still want to see your hidden glare
as I flirt with every girl
other than you;

an act of which we both know is an act of sheer desperation.

I still want to want you,
want you to want me to
this time next year
and the years to come.

— The End —