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 Mar 2014
Cassie Stoddard
to my sister, Karen, I know you just threw up your dinner. Please stop. I would give my life to erase the scars from your body and the pain from your stomach. You are beautiful and I wish  I looked like you. I know. Life is hard and it never feels good enough, but that's okay. It doesn't have to be. I'll hold you and hug you and love you. I love you. I am so sorry for calling you fat when we were little. Sometimes I think it's my fault and I just want you to be okay. I just want you to be okay. You are so beautiful. More beautiful than anything I can think of, inside and out. I love you.
2. to my sister, Destiny, stop pushing us away. I miss you and I wish I could build a home for you. I love you even when you become really mean and I cry and yell at you. You can be honest with me. I'm not gonna leave and I know that's hard to believe but it's true. I would do anything for you. I love you so much. You need to believe and accept it.
3. to my sister, Amy, it's okay to grieve. She's your mom. Cry as much as you want. It's okay. I miss you and I wish you still lived here. I know it ***** and it's hard but I am so so so proud of you. More than you know. You inspire me and I love you.
4. to my mom, do you remember? You abandoned us. And that was the last straw. I honestly don't even like calling you mom anymore, because you aren't. We need you. I hate you so much. ******* ******* *******. I'm scared that you're not gonna be okay if I hate you but at the same time I don't really care anymore. Do you remember abusing me? And trying to **** yourself and scaring me? Why? What did I ever do? I just wanted you to love me.
5. to my dad, i'm scared i'm turning into you. I'm drinking too much and I like it. I just want all the sad to go away and it and *** helps. I don't want to be like you. You're never there when we need you and you think we're supposed to be fine. We're kids! I want to be a teenager, but you stole that from me. I don't believe you anymore. Isn't that sad? I miss you daddy. Where did you go? You're not the same person anymore. Why?
i think this is one of the most honest things i've ever written. i'm shaking and crying and i don't know. i need somebody, but they leave. i want a friend
 Mar 2014
The faded dreams roll in with the darkness

Like a whisper in the night

Transported to another time, another you

Surrounded by those who used to love you

By those you will always love

Heartbreak and odium upon awakening

Lost in the midst of then and now

Knowing what was meant to be is

Mourning all that wasn't

Preoccupied with the past, days seem heavy

Ridiculous waste of resources

Yet, it ebbs and flows like the tides

Creeping in, unwanted and unwelcome

Thankful always for innocent mistakes

Grateful that no one can read your mind

Missing bits of who you were

While trying to love who you grew into
 Mar 2014
Sam Temple
I sit holding my aching head in calloused hands
experiencing ‘forlorn’
a worn soul aged beyond the calendar
dreary eyes look upon the state of humanity
irradiated babies trading rabies with deviants
live on pay per view
seeing the shape of famous faces
manipulated flesh blankly posed
only desperate oculars show the truth
darting frantically form mirror to mirror
attempting to validate existence through reflection
but not like the monks in Tibet
regret fills bent cheekbones
spackled with Botox and raspberry jam
thinning peak aligns with the occasional grey strand
and I sit wishing only to see people love themselves
 Mar 2014
Pushing Daisies
There's nothing left,
inside my hollow self.
You took the trust,
created distance with your fist.

There's nothing left,
Of our former wealth.
It's turned to dust,
Just like my crippled wrist.
 Mar 2014
Mike Hauser
Do You?

Feel the passion in the power
Rolling from the thunder

Breath in fragrance of the mystery
Pouring from the wonder

Taste the sweetness of the riches
At the peak of plunder

Take the final lasting gasp
Before it pulls you under

Do You?

See the hint that's in the wrinkle
Around the eyes of ages

Feel the gentle nudging of the breeze
With the turning of the pages

Hear the lonely sound that's made
In the closing of the cages

Watch the kingdom as it falls
When it's taken by the sages

Do You?

Take what you know is right
And leave behind whats left

Give a man his final rights
To smoke his dying breath

Then stand back and wonder why
It all ended in his death

Find others you can blame
When life becomes a tangled mess

Do You?
 Mar 2014
Seán Mac Falls
Her fine hands are gentle
With lithe and spiny fingers
Of bone and fin.

Her eyes are opal,
Essence of emerald and topaz,
A hoard of treasure.

Her hair is sea gathering
And dances in the blue currents
Deadly as the sea snake.

Her skin is coral,
Made of mineral and sorcery,
A fatal beacon.

Her lips are urchin,
Set in a whirlpool of face,
A spiral of doom.

Her voice is dream,
Rocking the lost wrecked ships,
Ground into sand.

Her long tail is fable
Of paradise, beyond faraway seas,
Cyclones and waves.
 Mar 2014
Dustin Matthews
Seeing You
As she sits at her desk..It was like looking at an artist behind her quiet ... Her blue eyes peering at an unpainted picture.. She stared at it for what seemed an eternity...she began to visualize what developed in her minds eye.. YES.... YES..  YES.  Like a storm, thunder and lightning struck.... She stroked her brush ......the intensity in her mind began painting an unseen poetry in motion.. It's not what she literally sees, but what you feel.. Do you feel my love... It's YOU I see..

for you...  from me
© All Rights Reserved Dustin
 Mar 2014
I see you
Alone in a crowded room
Speaking about nothing
Going through life lost inside yourself
Thinking that you're invisible
But I see you

I see you
Cigarette in hand for something to do
Working away your time for nothing
Throwing yourself into anything to keep busy
Hiding from the pain you're afraid will lead you to hell
I see you

I see you
Silently crying yourself to sleep
Wondering why it has to be so hard
Wanting nothing more than to be free
Locked behind who you want to be
I  see you

I see you
So good inside, masked by a hardening shell
Heartfelt smile that shines in your eyes
So beautiful a heart that the world seems ugly
Too much disappointment, afraid to let go
I see you

I see you
Pain, excruciating, nothing to fill the gaping wounds
Liquid poured right through your soul
Ashamed of the past, afraid there's no future
One day at a time, a means to an end
I see you

I see you
Fighting everyday to be closer to good
Yet, believing all you touch turns black
Those who seek you out don't rate
Assuming they must be crazy to hang around
I see you

I see you
Happy for a minute and ashamed that you were
Thinking you poison all that  you love
Caring so much that it consumes you
Believing your doing right by cutting loose
I see you

I see you
Feeling like damaged goods
Sitting on the cusp of acceptance
Trying to re-assimilate
But more afraid of success than failure
I see you

I see you
Ignoring what's right in front of you
Pretending it's not deserved
Fighting your demons alone
Afraid to smile and bask in the joy
I see you

Can you see
That you don't have to fight alone
That you are loved just as you are
That you are an imperfect person
But you are still a good man
Can you see that I see the real you
copyright©PrttyBrd 06/01/2011
 Mar 2014
Heard with my own ears
Beheld with my own eyes
Yet now, with empty bottles by,
Lies doubt in things remembered
True in the moment, believed
Then hidden bits unfold
And muddle the edges of memory
Words once trusted, now skewed
Hearts once borrowed seem stolen
And the "truth" tastes like a lie
Copyright© PrttyBrd 16/07/11
There's a thorn in my finger
I pull and watch the black pour out
Watch as anger takes me into stone
I stop
Frozen in place
Filled with a dark heart
I spring back to life
Leaping at the enemies that put knives into me
But as soon as I walk away
The feelings fade
No knives
No ******
Just me
Alone with a dark heart
Alone with black blood
A monster inside
A passion of mine
Escape is no option
Can't run
But I'll hide
 Mar 2014
Tracing the thoughts with a fingertip
Lining the clouds with silver
Present feelings from past mistakes
Proof that change is good
Perspicuity from a lazy dream
Thoughts like jumping beans
Bouncing off of shady corners
Waking what lies in quiescence
Scratching light into the darkness
With a stretch and a yawn
Folding what was into what is
Forming what will be
 Mar 2014
Jack Piatt
You’d do well to keep in mind
The lines falling short inside
And all the people standing outside
Looking in
Feeling the sin
Sink down their arms
Into their shoes
And out of brain range
This is it
The reckoning
Of sorts anyway
The lost keys found
The square peg round
The light at the end of the tunnel
On an extra long chord
Finally being pulled
Nighty night
Let all that ails you tuck you down tight
Bring back the child of let’s say 10
That version of you
And start explaining
As you have much to do
He might look up and say
“Who are you?”
And that’s a valid ******* question you know
Valid ******* question
Cause he won’t know
And neither will you
The disconnect is growing moss
Off the side of Highway 2
And memories are like old VHS tapes
That nobody watches anymore
Don’t have time for that
Too much going on
With all the nothing to move and stack
Sifting for change
Like it’s in your pocket
And you’re at the soda machine
After walking back into town mid-June
Cause your car breaks down
In the middle of the Middle(est) West
And you are thirsty
But the machine is all out
And the clock is broken
Along with your need for concern
It just doesn’t matter now
And you are more than well aware
You are ****** scope
From 300 yards up and away aware
There’s no move (even the slightest) getting past you
You guard that tower
Like an insecure guy guards his bestest (crush) girl –friend
You know the one that takes him shopping
And tells him secrets
That should be dropped in a volcano
– but regardless
He will never see the color of her *******
Unless she has him do her laundry
 Mar 2014
Tonight we lie alone in wait
Thoughts slowly gaining speed
Solitude breeds demons like rabbits
As blood boils to black
copyright©PrttyBrd 23/01/2014
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