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 Jan 2016
brandon nagley

Happy birthday, diaphanous balm,
Mayest this span of time greeteth
Thee; with Good health, and loving


Maligayang Kaarawan, archaic
Gem, mayest thine smile brush-
Stroke the aisles, of carbuncles
Of never-ending friend's.


Bon anniversaire, mon amour,
Mayest thine Satin-silk moonlit
Eye's, be a guide to the deaf and
Blind, mayest the heaven inside
Thee, be the richness of the poor.


Harúmena genéthlia, Earl, like
The lost and hidden pearl's,
Mayest the luster of thine
Memories, be kept safely
Locked, under thumb and key,
To openeth later, in sanctity.


Penblwydd Hapus, Filipino
physician whom hath saved
Mine life, soul-mate, Queen,
Wife, mine bearer of this heart,
Mine carrier of all that's right.
The beam of nebula delights,
The diamond in mine might,
Mine-Queen, O' Jane
Mine Wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!
diaphanous means delicate.
Carbuncles-a bright red gem, in particular a garnet cut en cabochon.

In the beginning of each line I say happy birthday to Jane in all different languages.  Happy birthday queen Jane! May God bless you this birthday! As I look forward to many more of your b day's with you! To cherish you love you and forever be thine own as thou art mine! I love you sooooo much Reyna! Happy b day queen! Sorry poems not the best but more surprises to come for you tommorrow! I love you more queen! May God bless your b day and may you have a happy wonderful birthday!
Happy birthday QUEEN JANE!!!!
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley



Mayest thou
Warm, and blanketeth
Me; as a neonate, as
Thou shalt gorgonize
Me, from within the space,
Ourn embracing is a cataract,
Of heavied chime-together laced.


Thine speak is comely, Concord
To mine earshot; the copse is
Surrounding, none manor
Needed, just the coney's,
With the delightful tree's,
veneering ourn cot.


Exhaling all ourn woes
And sorrow's, as if none
Tommorrow; None haste,
And none distaste, house-
Leeks groweth whilst the
Flaxen colored roses follow.


O' oriental Apricity
I'm cold mine lass,
I'm freezing fast;
This winter day
Hath chilled mine
Soul, I needeth thine
Fire-place, to heateth these bones.
Though far-flung, away on stretched water's.
I'm awaiting for thee, mine queen, O' Apricity,
I'm awaiting O' queen, mine swart of the sea, thou holdeth the lock, tis I hath the key, here thou goeth amour', open it up, flyeth on through-setteth me free.

©Brandon Nagley
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Apricity means- the suns warmth on a cold winters day. Word existed around in the 1620s.
Neonate means- young baby or young mammal. I mean baby lol.
Gorgonize means-  To have a paralyzing or mesmerizing effect on someone.
cataract is waterfall.
Chime is - agree with, be in harmony with.
Copse means- a small group of trees.
Comely means like pleasant peaceful
Speak to me is- voice, or sound of it.
Earshot is- the distance to where I càn hear her.
Manor is like big country mansion.
Cony or coney's is a rabbit. Or rabbit's.
Veneer means like a wood covering, veneering means covering same thing!
Haste means rush something. Rushing..
House-leek plant is - something that can grow up your house. Beautiful! They look like little cacti without the prickers.
Flaxen color is a yellowish color.
swart means- dark-skinned.
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley

Queen O' queen, this is thy king
Queen O' queen, this is thy king;
Put thine amulet, around thy neck-
For me.


Queen O' queen, this is thy king(10,9,8,7,6)
Upon saturns ring's, a beloved dream; (5,4,3)
Taketh mine hand, glideth the moon's with me. ( 2,1,liftoff)


This is thine king mine dearest queen
Thou hath taken me far away,
To the places only known
By saint's and those whom pray.

This is thy king mine dearest Queen
Erelong love, tis thine hope I cling;
And I'm higher in the most
Ravishing way. Erelong dove,
We'll maketh love in a holy way.


For here, am I dancing on the cosmos,
Beyond angelic tunes,
Thine eye's of cocoa tides,
Blend's inside me
As I rise.


Though we've passed the universal edge
I'm peaceful in thine presence
Alive or dead; I feeleth the dark matter-
Bubble around in mine head, as Nirvana's
In ourn sight's, Zion's breath.

Queen O' queen, looketh ahead
The stream's; their flowing as
Milk and honey tree's
Touch ourn feet,
A tranquil homestead.


For here, am I dancing on the cosmos,
Beyond angelic tunes,
Thine eye's of cocoa tides,
Blend's inside me
As I rise.......

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley(Filipino rose) dedicated
After listening to David Bowie's song space oddity today. The song got stuck in mine head! So decided to dedicate a poem to mine queen based off of the tune space oddity by David Bowie. This is a dedicated poem to Bowie's remembrance as well not just a poem to Jane! Rip me Bowie, lovely old soul. everyone has been speaking of Bowie's older music which I Love and always have.. Though if noone has heard his last song I put out two days before his death called ( Lazarus) you should listen to it. Really his last words. So hauntingly beautiful though so depressing as you could see him being eaten away by his cancer fighting.. And video shows how deathly he was. Though his last song Lazarus was amazing!!!!

And btw erelong means- soon.. Or shortly
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley

Once on the bier, now far beyond the cerulean,
Once benighted in death's uninvited,
Now sipping on empyrean cloud's, that stretcheth past the Caribbean.


All once fogged, bitten by snake's and dog's, stumbled upon
The log's, of quietus in the abyss; awaited I for deceasing ship's, to carrieth mine billow's, to darkened dungeon hell-made Pillow's- awaiting with mine name.


Thus, I was delivered throughout all that pain, mine old-self was slain, given rebirth again. Given I another chance, from God other's dismiss; sent to I, was mine daffadowndilly spring, from God who heard mine ring's, as mine mouth screamed and wailed. He answered all in detail, the finest wine to man, he gaveth me the best of plan's- with darkling queenish strand's.


So with a humbling poetic stand, I holdeth a ring inside mine hand, and I shalt boweth lord, O' God first to thee; then I'll lowereth mineself secondly, to mine queen, to slippeth a ring upon mine sweet.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedication
Bier means- a movable frame on which a coffin or a corpse is placed before burial or cremation or on which it is carried to the grave....
cerulean means - deep blue in color like a blue sky.
Benighted means- in or overtaken by darkness.
Empyrean has to do with the sky .
Quietus means- death.
Billows are waves.
daffadowndilly means in archaic tongue-  an archaic and poetic variation on daffodil, a yellow or white spring flower.
Darkling is poetic for darkly or dark.
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley

Cometh hither darling, passeth through the enlightened pergola, seeith how ourn moniker's, art carved into the archway thither ourn bower; A chivalrous Noble tower.


No worrying mine dear, a buckler shalt be close to mine grab, for the attacker's shalt tryeth to invade, steal, and get all in a duetimes hand; though the circlet I shalt place upon thine top, shalt giveth thee shielding, from the Creation's that mock.


Artista, mine chosen of coëval; chalcedony balconies shalt giveth us visibility, up close we shalt toast, in thine calligraphist theory, in intimacy we'll float.


The eaves of ourn citadel, shalt be engineered by thine geniusness, none better to build ourn protection, as thou art a stalwart of the age, a queen aloft all name's, an angel upon a seraph's stage, as I wilt espy thee from the window inside thine midst.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
Pergola means- an archway in a garden or park consisting of a framework covered with trained climbing or trailing plants.
Moniker means - our name. Or names .
Thither means - to or toward that place. Or towards a place.
Bower usually means- a woman's bedroom. Or could mean our bedroom.
A buckler is a small handheld shield.
Circlet is- thin band of precious metal, worn on the head.
Eaves means - the fringe of a forest (from the resemblance of the overhanging forest canopy to the eaves of a house); also used figuratively for the edges of a mountain range.
Citadel means- noun: citadel; plural noun: citadels
a fortress, typically on high ground, protecting or dominating a city.
Stalwart means- someone who is reliable, loyal and hard working.
Espy means- catch sight of.
coëval means- having the same age or date of origin;
 Jan 2016
Earl Jane

Will introduce my letter with very nice verses from my favorite love passage in the bible..

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NIV) “4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, * it keeps no record of wrongs.* 6 *Love does not delight in evil but  rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes,  always perseveres.

Our love will prevail my king. We will be triumphant in all trials and tribulations for we hold on to each other and never let go. We ask God for guidance and for keeping this love forevermore. He blessed us with patience that no matter what we will always wait for each other alone. He blessed us with loyalty, a love so rare, a couple with loving , loyal heart. We do have troubles and worries for losing each other, but that just shows us how we really love each other. This is we, and we are not the same with others, we are  soulmates, WE ARE!!

*I really wanna say that I am really happy with you. Very much beyond happy!! We are already 5 months now, can't even believe it, before I only dreamed to have you and now we are 5 months already! What a veryyyy big blessing!!! Goodness I am really beyond blessed as you know lots of girls commenting on your poems saying I am so lucky, well the word they said are really wrong, totally wrong,, :D coz for me, there's nothing really like LUCk it's just similar with accidents, and there's no such thing as accidents for all things happen according to God's plan, for His perfect time to when things will happen, whether good or bad. As I truly believe we never met just because of accident. It's NEVER AN ACCIDENT! There's a purpose for it, veryyy big purpose, more than we ever imagined. And one of that purpose is to help each other in the best way. :)

I really do know and believe with my soul that you are the one I love. I don't doubt that I will always love you Brandon no matter what. I really do know that. Just the first time we chat here in hp, I already have a special feeling, it's like my soul rejoice, like a feeling of being lost then you've been found, like you've been picked out from hell to paradise, if that makes sense. I feel so comfortable with you, I found my happiness, my laughter, my clearer vision, my better me, my everything, my all. I found my home when I met you, my dear one home. And I dearly dwell in that home in your soul. I knew for a fact that though we just start chatting before, I already felt that total happiness and said to myself I could never lose you, like ever!!! Like though I dont know yet if you like me or not, but I already committed myself to you, did you understand my feeling?? Does that makes sense??? Indeed, when you're in love, words can never be enough to express your feelings. Like how i love you sooo much and words are just not enough to express it all,... all wonderful words being combined together can never be enough to express how amazing and how magnificent I felt when I have you,... ooohh kinnggg how happy I am !!!

I assure you my king, that I only love you! I assure you I am not leaving you, I assure you I am only overly attracted to you, oohhh goodness !!! I assure you I am only waiting for you, I assure you, you are my only love, and I know you are my soulmate, I knew you are the best for me, He preordained me and you!!!!

Really love you a lot,,, i will always remind you how I only love you alone!! I will daily show it to you my king.. I will... I want you to know that I am willing to carry your cross with you!! I won't let you carry your cross and see you suffering, I will carry it with you, to lighten your burden and if possible let me carry the burden alone to free you from all torment you are experiencing.

I knew I am helpless. I can never be there with you to help you in all ways, to take care of you, to be there by your side personally. I cannot do that for now. All I can just do is just stay silent, lock my fingers together and pray to God. That's all I can do.  For I knew though you don't know what I pray to God for you, but at least you feel it for God will be there for you always, and He carries my love with Him and let you feel it when you are down and depress. I know I am busy with school and with church, but I make time for you. For time is so hard to find, so hard to manage, we could not find time today these days, we have to MAKE TIME to do what we want. And I make time for you for my soul voluntarily do it. Love is voluntary, not force. And though lot of times I am so worn out from my life in school, church or in the house, I still try to be there for you, Skype you as much as I can. I cherish every single time I can talk to you, every single time I can skype you, every single time I can chat you. I praise God for that.

You are my greatest blessing. The greatest that I have ever received. I cherish you a lot. I keep you dearly in my heart and soul. I spread my wings and embrace you to keep you save from satan's darts. And when you're hit by him, I try hard to remove them all and make you happy again. I treasure your smiles and laughter. Your tears are beyond treasure to me, and when I see you cry for the heavy burden you are carrying, I bleed, I break. It hurts me seeing you like that. And in those times, I gather my strength, set aside my sadness and problems, and hold tight on to my positivity and talk to you. You are more important to me. I value you more than myself.

Just keep in mind, the word NO MATTER WHAT. For no matter what my king, I won't give up. No matter what, I will always try and try for you especially in showing my love for you daily,  no matter what I will always love you, no matter what, I WON'T LEAVE YOU. You are the only man I love, I assure you that. I never talk to anyone, and will never talk to anyone, You are my KING,why would I talk to anyone?!! That's stupidity !!! I already have you, the man of my dreams ( well in fact the man more than I have ever dreamed!!! ), the man who loves me a lot, the man who will patiently wait for me, the man who show me love daily, every single time, an angel, the man of God. And you are my soulmate.

I will meet you Brandon. I will. I keep God's promise daily and pray harder for you. Also I pray lots for this love to stay stronger daily. Every time I ponder about me and you, I am always amazed. I am really beyond blessed!! I can't thank God enough for you. You are all I ever needed and wanted, no other!!!  I always feel so blessed, I am always filled with elation. I am beyond happiest with you. I love you so much and will forever love you. Sooo soo much.!!!!!!!!!! My love is beyond words to say. I love you waayyyy too much,!!!!!!! Love you most!! <3 <3 *

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3 <3
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley
Alway's so afraid I wilt leaveth thou
Why wouldst i;
I'm overly satisfied.

Alway's so afraid I wilt leaveth thou
Why wouldst I;
I've found mine abode.

Alway's so afraid I wilt leaveth thou
Why wouldst I;
When thou art what I sought a many ages'.

Alway's so afraid I wilt leaveth thou
Why wouldst I;
Thou art mine amour, I jotteth down on these pages.

Alway's so afraid I wilt leaveth thou
Why wouldst I;
When with thee I'm one.

Alway's so afraid I will leaveth thou;
Why wouldst I;
When thou art mine wife.

Alway's so afraid I wilt leaveth thou
Why wouldst I;
When we art soulmates.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley

Sнe ғell down ғroм ғroм тнe ғιrмaмenт
Oғ тнe cryѕтallιne ѕee тнroυgн вlυe;
Twaѕ an angel dreѕѕed ιn yellow
Lace, wιтн a ѕaccнarιne ғace,
Heaven waѕ нer naмe,
Sнe wenт вy тнe
Jane oғ
Scrιвιng on log'ѕ,
Leттιng oтнer'ѕ
Knoweтн oυrn
Aмoυr' waѕ

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl jane Nagley dedication ( Filipino rose)
Sobriquet means - nickname,
Scribing means writing,
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley

Tօɖaʏ, օռ tɦɨs ռɨռtɦ ɖaʏ
Oʄ Jaռʊaʀʏ;


Maʀҡ's օʊʀռ ʄɨʄtɦ
Eaʀtɦʟʏ ʍօռtɦ;
As աɨʟt ɛʋɛʀʏ ċօʍɨռɢ


Fօʀ tɦօʊ, I աas ɮօʀռ
Tօ ɮɛ, ɖɛstɨռɛɖ ɮʏ tɦɛ
Nɛɛɖ; օʄ tօʊċɦɨռɢ tɦօʊ
Oռċɛ aɢaɨռ.


Oʄ ɦօʟɖɨռɢ tɦʏ ռaʀʀօա
Hɨք's ɨռ ʍɨռɛ ɦaռɖ's;
Aռɖ sաaʏɨռɢ tօ ċօʊռtʟɛss
Tʊռɛs, as I'ʟʟ ɮɛ tɦʏ ɢʊaʀɖɨaռ
Iռ աɦɨtɛ, a քʀɨʋatɛ օռʟʏ ɨռʋɨtɛ,
Wɦɛʀɛɨռ աɛ ʍatċɦɛtɦ ċʀօառ's
Oռ ʍօʊռɖ's օʄ ɛռtɦʀaʟʟɨռɢ ɨɢռɨtɛ.


O' ɦօա ċօռtɛռtɛɖ I aʍ
Kռօաɨռɢ աɨtɦ tɦɛɛ, tɦɛʀɛ's
Nօռɛ ɦօʊʀɢʟass աɨtɦ saռɖ;
Oռʟʏ staɨʀաaʏ's tɦat aաaɨtɛtɦ
Gʀaռɖ, ɨռtօ aռ ɛռtʀaռċɛ ɮɛtաɨxt
Oʊʀռ ċʀɨʍsօռ aʍʊʟɛt's, aռɖ tɦɛ
Aռċɨɛռt's զʊɛst, O' tɨs tɦɨs ɮɛatɛʀ
Pօʊռɖ's ɨռsɨɖɛ ʍɨռɛ ċɦɛst, ҡռօաɨռɢ
Hօա ʟɨʄɛ ɨs ʄaɨʀ aռɖ ʊռɖʀɛssɛɖ-
Uռċʟaɖ, ɨռ քօɛtɨċ ʝʊstɨċɛ.


Tօɖaʏ, օռ tɦɨs ռɨռtɦ ɖaʏ
Oʄ Jaռʊaʀʏ: I tɦɨռҡɛst ɦօա
At օռɛ tɨʍɛ ʍɨռɛ զʊɨɖɖɨtʏ
Sɦօʊʟɖst ɦatɦ ɮɛɛռ ɨռ a
ʍօʀtʊaʀʏ, tօ ɢօɛtɦ ɮaċҡ ɨռtօ
Tɦɛ ɖɨʀt, ʀօʟʟɨռɢ ɨռ ʍɨռɛ քaɨռ,
As tɦɛ ɖʊst sɦօʊʟɖst ɦaɖst ċɦօҡɛɖ ʍɛ,
Iռtօ tɦɛ ʟօռɛsօʍɛռɛss I ċօʍքɨʟɛɖ աɨtɦ tɦɛ asɦɛs օʄ ɦʊʀt.


Tɦօʊɢɦ, tɦɛ ʟօʀɖ քʊsɦɛɖ aաaʏ
Tɦɛ ɖɛʍօռ's, ɦɛ աʀօʊɢɦt ʍɛ
Fʀօʍ tɦɨռɛ sҡɨʀt, ɮɛċaʊsɛ
Hɛ ҡռɛաɛtɦ I ɦʊռɢɛʀɛɖ ʄօʀ ʍɨռɛ sօʊʟʍatɛ,
Mɨռɛ ʟօʋɛʀ ʄօʀ tɦɛɛ I ɖɨɖst tɦɨʀst.


Tօɖaʏ, օռ tɦɨs ռɨռtɦ ɖaʏ
Aռɖ ʄɨʀst ʍօռtɦ օʄ tɦɨs
Nɛաɛst ʏɛaʀ, ʍɨռɛ ɢօɖ
Aռsաɛʀɛɖ ʍɛ աɨtɦ an
Aʍaʀaռtɦɨռɛ ʏɛʟʟօա
Rօsɛ, ɦɛ ɮʀօʊɢɦt tɦօʊ
Tօ ʍɛ, ʄօʀ tɦɛɛ զʊɛɛռ
Jaռɛ tօ ɮɛ ɦɛʀɛ.


Sօ ʍaռʏ a ʍօʀɛ
Yɛaʀ's աɨʟt I ċɦɛʀɨsɦ tɦɛɛ ʍɨռɛ ɢatɛաaʏ tօ Gօɖ's tɦʀօռɛ;
I'ʋɛ ʀɛaʟɨʐɛɖ օռċɛ aɢaɨռ, ɨռsɨɖɛ tɦɨռɛ ɛʏɛ's I ɖɨʋɛ ɖɛɛք աɨtɦɨռ,
I ʀɛʍɛʍɮɛʀ օռ tɦɨs ռɨռtɦ ɖaʏ,
Oʊʀռ ʄɨʄtɦ aռռɨʋɛʀsaʀʏ
I aʍ ɦօʍɛ.
Today marks me and Earl Jane's fifth month anniversary, seems a lot longer than that, as we loved each other way before on here,,,, as well we are past life lovers, I've been waiting for her for ages . And am more than blessed I got my reyna!!! Happy five months earl jane sardua NAGLEY!!! I'm more than blessed and happy with you and am never leaving you queen!!! I love you more reyna!!!me moreeeeeeee happy 5 months baby!!!!!
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley
Tιѕ, тнere'ѕ an oaѕιѕ; on тнe rιgнт oғ нer ѕιde
Tιѕ, ѕoмe wιlт calleтн тнιѕ oaѕιѕ Aѕιan,
Tιѕ, I calleтн Jane paradιѕe.

©Brandon Nagley
©Loneѕoмe poeтѕ poeтry
©Earl Jane nagley dedιcaтιon ( Fιlιpιno roѕe)
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley

O' ɖɛaʀɛst ʀɛaɖɛʀ, ɦath tɦօʊ ɛʋɛʀ ʄօʊռɖ a ʟօʋɛ tɦat ʍaɖɛtɦ tɦɛɛ աɦօʟɛ;
I ɦatɦ.


O' ɖɛaʀɛst ʀɛaɖɛʀ, ɦatɦ tɦօʊ ɛʋɛʀ ʄօʊռɖ a ʟօʋɛ tɦat's ɮɛʏօռɖ sɨʟʋɛʀ aռɖ ɢօʟɖ;
I ɦatɦ.


O' ɖɛaʀɛst ʀɛaɖɛʀ, ɦatɦ tɦօʊ ɛʋɛʀ ʄօʊռɖ a ʟօʋɛ աɦɛʀɛɨռ tɦօʊ ċaռst staʀɛtɦ ɖɨʀɛċtʟʏ ɨռtօ քaʀaɖɨsɛ;
I ɦatɦ.


O' ɖɛaʀɛst ʀɛaɖɛʀ, ɦatɦ tɦօʊ ɛʋɛʀ ʄօʊռɖ a ʟօʋɛ ʊռɮօʊռɖ, aʟօʄt tɦɛ ɢʀօʊռɖ, ʄʀɛɛʟʏ sաɛɛt ɨռ sօʊռɖ, tɦʊs աɦɛʀɛ aʟʟ ɨs ʀɨɢɦt;
I ɦatɦ.


O' ɖɛaʀɛst քօɛt, ɦatɦ tɦօʊ ɛʋɛʀ ʄօʊռɖ a ʟօʋɛ aċataʟɛքtɨċ, a քaռaċɛa ʄօʀ tɦɛ ɦօքɛʟɛss, a ʟɨɢɦt ɮɛʏօռɖ tɦʏ ʄօċʊs.
I ɦatɦ.


O' ɖɛaʀɛst ʍaռ, ɦatɦ tɦօʊ ɛʋɛʀ ʄօʊռɖ a ʟօʋɛ ʟɨҡɛ a ʟaʍք, tɦat ɢʟօաɛtɦ aʟʟ ռɨɢɦt, as tɦʏ աɨռɢ's taҡɛtɦ ʄʟɨɢɦt, tօ քassɛtɦ ċastʟɛ's ɨռ tɦɛ ռɨɢɦt;
I ɦatɦ.


O' ɖɛaʀɛst ʀɛaɖɛʀ, ɦatɦ tɦօʊ ɛʋɛʀ ʄօʊռɖ a ʟօʋɛ, a ʟօʋɛ ɮɛʏօռɖ ʍɛռ's ɨʍaɢɨռatɨօռ's, tɦat ʄʊʄɨʟʟɛtɦ tɦʀօʊɢɦ aʟʟ tɦʏ քatɨɛռċɛ, tɦat ҡɛɛքɛtɦ tɦɛɛ ɨռ tʀʊɛ ɦaքքɨռɛss, aռɖ a sɛʀɛռɨtʏ tɦօʊ ċaռst ռօt ʄatɦօʍ; O' քօɛtɛssɛs aռɖ sċʀɨɮɛ's, ɦatɦ tɦօʊ ɛʋɛʀ ʄօʊռɖɛtɦ tɦɨռɛ օռɛ aռɖ օռʟʏ aċʊsɦʟa, tɦɛ օռɛ աɦօ աɨʟt քʀօtɛċtɛtɦ tɦօʊ, aռɖ ʀɛʟɛasɛ tɦօʊ, ʄʀօʍ ɦɛʟʟ's ɢatɛs tɦօʊ ɦatɦ ɛռtɛʀɛɖ. O' ɖɛaʀɛst ʀɛaɖɛʀ, ɦatɦ tɦօʊ ʄօʊռɖɛtɦ tɦat ɦɨʍ օʀ ɦɛʀ, tɦat ɛʋɨɖɛռt aʍօʊʀ'. Tɦat ҡɨռɢ aռɖ զʊɛɛռ, tɦat ɮօʏ օʀ ɢɨʀʟ, աɦօ's ռօt ʄʀօʍ tɦɨs աօʀʟɖ; tɦɛ օռɛ tɦօʊ sɛɛҡɛtɦ tօ ɦaʋɛtɦ ċɦɨʟɖʀɛռ աɨtɦ, tօ ʟaʏɛtɦ ɖօառ աɨtɦ tɦɛʍ ɨռ tɦɛ քaɨռ's aռɖ ʍɨst, ɨռ ʍaɖռɛss, sօʀʀօա, ɮʟɨss, աɦɛռ tɦʏ tɛċɦռօʟօɢʏ ɢɛt's sɦʊt ɖօառ, aռɖ tɦɛ աɨʀɛs aʀt քɨtċɦɛɖ, ռօռɛ ċօʍքʊtɛʀ's ʟɛʄt, aռɖ ռօռɛ ʍօʀɛ քɦօռɛ's, ɦatɦ tɦօʊ ʄօʊռɖɛtɦ tɦɨռɛ aɮօɖɛ աɦɛʀɛɨռ tɦօʊ ɮɛʟօռɢɛtɦ, tɦʏ ɦօʍɛ. Hatɦ tɦօʊ ʄօʊռɖɛtɦ tɦʏ sɛʟʄ?
I ɦatɦ.

©Bʀaռɖօռ ռaɢʟɛʏ
©Lօռɛsօʍɛ քօɛt's քօɛtʀʏ
©Eaʀʟ ʝaռɛ Naɢʟɛʏ ɖɛɖɨċatɨօռ ( ʍʏ Fɨʟɨքɨռօ ʀօsɛ)
Acataleptic in old tongue means- an ancient Skeptical view that no more than probable knowledge is available to human beings.. ( meaning to skeptical humans, something that is beyond human thought or thinking or human minds,, incomprehensible!!!! In other words to mens minds,,,)
Panacea means - cure to all things,,, all diseases cancers so on!!
Acushla in old Irish Gaelic means a few things, - it means- literally darling, also, in Scottish means pulse or vein in Scottish Gaelic!!! Like my pulse, my heart, my blood,?
This poems about me asking readers of this poem, have they or meaning have you found that person who's your all? If not I hope and pray you do, because I've found mine true soulmate, best friend . My lass, darling, my queen! As I'm her king! I found my true love I waited decades millenias for, ages for!!! I got her as god answered me with her in perfect time,,,how wonderful god is as he  answers prayers on HIS TIME most of time, sometimes our time we ask! But god doesn't work on mans schedule or always on our will. God Has his own will for us, if we always think why isn't god answering us, its because he does things to the good of him, for his purpose, not always ours, as we must be thankful whether in good or bad times! And surely I can't complain, gods always helped and answered me, maby not how I wanted the answer, or even in mine time, he does things according to his will, his time, and will do it his way!  his good will for him, and us, though sometimes many don't know that, or many forget that,,

The last line that says,
( hath thou foundeth thy self, I hath,
Meaning have you found your self in new form not old meaning...
Meaning that with jane! I found me., because me and jane are soulmates! Meaning we ARE ONE SOUL!! MEANING WE ARE ONE! So when I found her, I found me, if makes sense to you, because she is my soulmate, thanks for reading...
 Jan 2016
Earl Jane

Satan's trying hard,
To break us apart my love,
But just remember,
God is mighty, He'll help us,
Let's do our part, DON'T GIVE UP.

And no matter what,
Let our hopes be burning bright,
That Satan will flee,
Let our knees be kneeling long,
He trembles when we're praying.

Remember my king,
I understand it's so hard,
Yes, I am aware,
But my hopes are in great shape,
And it will lift you up.

I am fully yours,
My love will be your carriage,
To heavenly realms,
I'll be your mighty refuge,
I'll keep you safe all the time.

Let's hang up our love,
Like the little stars at night,
That though in darkness,
We still are scintillating,
Bright ornament in the sky.

Trials and torment,
Are great and many my love,
Satan multi-task,
To successfully break us,
But that won't happen, too bad.

Lean our hopes to God,
And He will make it bigger,
Big enough to last,
Lay our patience to the Lord,
And He will make it wider.

I am sure my king,
That God is blessing this love,
And with all of that,
I knew He is finding ways,
For us to be together.

Soon my dearest,
We will be rewarded great,
'Cause we wait on God,
For His perfect time for us,
We will be beyond happy.

My dear, I love you,
And I will never give up,
I'll be by your side,
And will hold on tight to you,
I'll always do all for you.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3 <3

i love you soo much my king.... soo sooo much!!!! I won't give up and we will overcome this,, we will... i have full hope on us,,, God is blessing our love ans He is finding way for us, i am sure of that,,.. I will always stay positive,, i love you most !!!!
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley

Miɳɛ รѳutɦɛɑรt pɛtɑʆ,
Dɛʆicɑtɛ ɑɳɗ ɑʀʀɑyɛɗ.
O' ɦѳw ʆѳѵɛʆy tɦѳu ɑʀt,
Dɛɑʀɛรt pɛtɑʆ; ɓy tɦɛ
Hɑɳɗ'ร ѳԲ gѳɗ, tɦѳu
Aʀt ɱɑɗɛ.


Miɳɛ ɱɑgɳiԲicɛɳt ɑɳgɛʆ,
Fʆѳɑtiɳg iɳ tɦɛ wiɳɗ,
Lѳѵɛʀ ѳԲ tuʀtʆɛ'ร;
Tɦɛ cʀɛɑtѳʀ ɦɑtɦ ɱɑɗɛ tɦѳu
Aร ɑ quɛɛɳ iɳ wɑtɛʀ ɑɳɗ รɑɳɗ.


Cɑʆʆigʀɑpɦy'ร ɛɱpʀɛรร
Lɑรร ѳԲ pѳɛt'ร ɱiɳɗ'ร,
Tɦiɳɛ ɓʆɑck รiʆk ɦɑiʀ
Mɑtcɦɛtɦ tɦɛ pɛtɑʆ tɦѳu
Aʀt ɗɛɑʀ, O' ɦѳw ʆikɛ
Rɑiɳɗʀѳp'ร; tɦiɳɛ Բɑcɛ
Dѳtɦ รɦiɳɛ.

©Bʀɑɳɗѳɳ ɳɑgʆɛy
©Lѳɳɛรѳɱɛ pѳɛtร pѳɛtʀy
©Eɑʀʆ Jɑɳɛ ɳɑgʆɛy ( Fiʆipiɳѳ ʀѳรɛ) ɗɛɗicɑtiѳɳ
Poem is as such if you can't read,

Title- like raindrop's, thy face doth shine..


Mine southeast petal,
Delicate and arrayed.
O' how lovely thou art,
Dearest petal; by the
Hand's of god, thou
Art made,


Mine magnificent angel,
Floating in the wind,
Lover of turtle's;
The creator hath made thou
As a queen in water and sand.


Calligraphy's empress
Lass of poets mind's,
Thine black silk hair
Matcheth the petal thou
Art dear, O' how like
Raindrop's; thine face
Doth shine,
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