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 May 2017
Nancy E Tracy
Embrace me, my sweet embraceable Dell
Embrace me, you irreplaceable Dell

Just one look at you, my Windows open up wide
You and you alone are always right by my side

I love all the Rom and Ram about you
Above all, I give a Dam about you

Don't be a naughty baby,
Do the magic that you do so well

My sweet unbreakable Dell
Just Fun  :)
 May 2017
Brother Jimmy
Someone slams your precious art
Remain Open
Callously pokes and prods your heart
Remain Open
The world wants you to close the door
Remain Open
Wants you curled up on the floor
*Remain Open
 Apr 2017
you cannot deny love her freedom
can only hope she takes your hand
and leads you a merry dance.
 Apr 2017
Sally A Bayan
Come, dance with me...
.....hold my back
lead my hand
push my fingers
they'll obey
release your power, and
fuel my senses, no room for false pretenses...

I'll let my creative ink flow
inch by inch, i'll move your hands, to draw,
together,  a field of dreams, we shall initiate
while we travel, our efforts will collaborate...
let's dance, fill our sphere with gems of thoughts
**** my pen.....its fire, my fingers will stoke
i'll guide your brush strokes
in painting bright colors on our walks...

lead my hands
as i lead yours...
This giving and taking,
this push and pull stuff,
let's make great art out of it <3


Copyright February  2016
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
you ask
I gaze at the stars ?
I say
it's because
they remind me of your eyes

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
he wrote it for me,,,, :-)
 Apr 2017
vivian cloudy
right in front of me
but out of reach

tests upon tests
you teach me

i’m weary
but i keep chasing
and i just don’t know
if i can reach the top

collecting pieces
of facts like rags
i shape opinions,
secrets map

trust impasse.

i may never know
the mountain shade
unearthed in doubt
from years of pain

but for it all
i love you more
you teach me

and i’ll plant my flag
and print my foot
drag my wooden,
peg-legged soul

lose my voice,
foretell my wake
altitudes high
and immense

please believe
what i can see
let me teach you

everest man
i am

as you hide the sun
behind your back
as you hide the sun
away from me
 Mar 2017
Eric W
I'll send a nice message
straight through the wires
with the bird outside my window.
I'll wrap the paper up
with a nice little bow
and a short piece of twine
for him to carry onward
to speak into your mind.
He'll make it in the morning,
I know he surely will
to be there when you wake up
to tell you how I feel.
To yesterday morning, when we had both slept lightly, miles apart, and woke up to the birds chirping outside our windows.
 Mar 2017
I've saved you once
Yet i wouldn't say it
You may not remember
But i would
You may forget me &
I may forgot your name
Still the deed was done
& the vibrant effects
Lingering like it was yesterday
I'll always remember.

About a good deed we may forgot, but sometimes it lingers, an essential good nature you always have in your heart.
 Mar 2017
I am a moonlight merchant,
of myself
My flesh knows of no taboo
Entertainer of thoughts
A stage of satin sheets in darkened rooms, engaged with a red lipped, half grin
Keeping my secrets held aloft,
my dreams,
float with the tobacco smoke of my patrons
Where lies your smile?
He asks, as he loosens my bound curls so he can pull them in the art
I reply with another red, half grin
Thinking my smile was lost in the silken river of never
He removes his tye with nimble fingers, intending it as my chain
His eyes are ravenous wolves, making of me a lamb
I turn my face, and think of innocence drowned in twilight
O Muscatine, a beautiful city which Farmers near grow corn, and watermelon.
O Muscatine, where the people have kind, beautiful souls and Hearts.
O Muscatine, where I was born, raise, and Lived, and worked.
O Muscatine, where some of my Family and Friends Live there.
O Muscatine, I miss you now deeply, the Beautiful city of Muscatine.
O Muscatine, the city where I use to roam , where I mess up.
O Muscatine , where some good people hurt and suffer there.
O Muscatine , I Love you dearly, now I Live in another Beautiful city.
O Muscatine, you are always in my prayers I Love you Muscatine.
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