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 Feb 2017
A lost soul,
swept up in a bisque of one's inner thoughts,
feelings of sorrow fill your heart,
thoughts of woe filling your head.

A lost soul,
in a sea of loneliness,
driven to despair,
all dreams fading away.

A lost soul,
falling from the sky,
waiting for the inevitable,
a future yet to come.

A lost soul,
with pain in their heart,
and brokenness in their eyes,
complete loss of joy from their once bright smile.

A lost soul...
A soul forever gone.

~Corrie Anne~
 Nov 2016
You are my every emotion
I have never felt you,
Yet you’re the most physical experience,
I’ve ever had.

The tears I shed, I shed for you…
My heart beats, beats for you,
My mind can’t get you out,
My body stays awake; it can’t sleep…

What can I do?
You’ve got this hold on me…
I’ll never leave,
And you’ll never leave my mind…

Stay with me dear,
For you’re not just a figment of my imagination,
I don’t feel as much as I do as when I think of you,
And when you say my name… you bring me to life.

Your voice is unlike any lifeline,
Your attention’s a drug, and I’m addicted…
I fell so hard,
Just so you’d carry me back to reality…

Please don’t say goodbye,
For you’re unlike any other, I’ve ever known.
Please don’t say goodbye, if not here,
Then stay in my mind… Never leave, never let me let go.

For I fear if I ever let go, I will never feel again,
I fear you take my heart, my mind, and my soul…
I fear to drown in a sea of loneliness, and sorrow…
Never let me let go… For I fear I will never love anyone, like I love you.

*~Corrie Anne~
 Jan 2016
Tears streaming down my face,
Hands trembling,
Voice cracks,
Can't breathe...

I try to call for help,
But there's no reply,
I try and try,
But it's no use.

I fall to my knees,
Finding it harder to keep my eyes open,
Air getting thinner,
As the walls around me crumble down.

I wake up screaming,
Awakening from the dream,
That from which I could escape,
All I have to do is wake up...

But when I awake,
From the nightmare...
How do I escape the ones,
That aren't asleep??
 Jan 2016
Nothing really phases me no more.... I don't trust anyone anymore, not even my family, I don't care about anything, life is done.
 Jan 2016
I am not who everyone expects me to be,
some think I'm a ditzy blonde who can't think for herself,
some think I am one to be pushed over, repeatedly hurt,
some know I have a brain, but expect too much from me.

I do not even know myself anymore...
always compared to my brother,
my aunt, my cousins....
newsflash, I'm not them!! I am who I am.

I am a teenage girl...
I love classical music, I don't just hear the music, I feel it.
I love the opera, there is so much emotion in these.
I love the fine arts, music, museums, art.

It's true I don't love reading, but yet my favorite book is 'To **** a Mockingbird'.
I am homeschooled, so what? Homeschoolers are some of the most brilliant people out there, no one should call us dumb.

I am a blonde, I'm not ditzy, I don't need everyone to tell me things I already know.
I love nature, and photography.
I am great at math, I love it, along with science. I have a 4.0 GPA.

I'm not mall, gossip, and makeup.
I am, sports, cars, weaponry, and music.
I don't wear dresses, and skirts.
I am gym shorts, jeans, tees.

I am a fantastic cook, but I ain't no "house wife" type.
I clean, but if I didn't who else would?
I love kids, but not in my life until after college, and marriage.
Do you get it yet?

I am one of the most honest, trustworthy, kind person there is.
I love easily, but I do not trust as easy.
I trust no one, but I love, and get hurt.
I am a broken spirit, I love, and I forgive too much, I am too trusting.

No one knows me,
like they think they do.
I am who I am,
not who everyone wants me to be.
stop thinking you know me, cuz you don't!!!!
 Nov 2015
I walk down the street,
with music playing,
thoughts running through my mind,
and there's our song.

The song we met to,
the song we danced to,
the song we kissed to,
the song I'm listening to.

The melody of happiness,
has become a dark place,
This same song that was playing when we met,
is the song that was playing when you left.

Our song...
the meaning of happiness,
and the meaning of hopelessness,
our song is as complicated as you.

The high points,
the low points,
the good times,
and the bad.

This is our song.
 Oct 2015
My mom is in the hospital, they're keeping her over night.... She had a small stroke... And to make it worse today's her birthday. Prayers are appreciated. Thank you!
 Oct 2015
You see the real me...
the me I'm afraid to be,
You see me for who I am,
not for who I was

You look into my eyes,
and say that I'm a prize...
You tell me I'm ****,
and you tell me to smile.

For you're the reason,
for this smile upon my face.
And you're the reason,
for the happiness that I part take.

You are my smile,
my laugh,
my heart,
my prize.
 Oct 2015
Sweet 16 I am today
Getting older everyday
Maturing, growing, and even more.
Leaving it all on the dance floor.
I'm 16 today!!!!!
 Sep 2015
You don't know my life,
You don't know the struggles I've been through,
You don't know the things I dealt with,
or the people who have hurt me,
and broken me down.
I let people use me like a doormat,
You don't know the betrayal I've encountered,
You don't know how I feel inside,
You only see the act I put on,
on the outside.
Afraid to stand up for myself,
Afraid to show the real me,
Afraid to be hurt even more,
Afraid to speak up,
Afraid to want something.
Emotionally I'm done,
Mentally I'm drained,
Spiritually I feel dead inside,
but yet somehow,
Physically I smile.
But, no...
You do not know me...
because if you did,
You wouldn't use me like a doormat,
Or treat me like trash.
You wouldn't beat me down,
you'd help me up...
If you knew me, you wouldn't treat me like I'm worthless,
You'd know life is hard enough,
without being kicked while already down.
 Aug 2015
Would anyone really notice if I die?
Would anyone really care?
Does anyone notice the slits on my arm?
Does anyone see the pain inside me?
I contemplate suicide, and death....
and whether it should be slow and painful,
or if should be quick and painless...

Do I live? Or, do I die?
That is my question.

I think of my past pain, and depression.
I think of the present, and the future...
Does any of it even matter anymore?
Do I even matter anymore?
All I am is a disappointment to everyone,
and I hurt them, without knowing it.

So, do I live? or, do I die?
I choose....
 Aug 2015
Davon Brown
Hello Poetry*

A place where all poetry can be published
without worry of discrimination of stories
and your poetry can be appreciated
by all in need of a second voice or helping hand.
 Aug 2015
You can grow up, and get wiser, and stay true to yourself, there's a difference between changing everything about you, and adding things to the same you, to make a better you... You can still be a child at heart, but be  mature at the same time... There's a time and place for everything... Growing older, just helps you realize what those times are.

Davon Brown:*
Growing isnt something distinguished by age, but by state of mind. It doesnt mean you have to change it just means you'll become more reasonable in your future decisions. Your sense of "common sense" wont be focused on having fun and doing reckless things such as the ideas of a teenage kid.
Collaboration with Icy Sky and Davon Brown
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