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 Sep 2015
Cobwebs guard
The memories
In a musty attic
Where each step
Is a risk.
Dust claims
What once was precious
And the smiles
In the pictures
With every passing day.
Weak watery light,
Filtering through
Splintered beams
Cannot revive
What has already
Been left
To rot.
 Sep 2015
If you cannot sink pens or blades deep into my heart,
then who are you to cut off our tongues?
We transcend the languages of gods,
and parade our words on our

We are the poets who write our prayers
and send letters to the moon
because in darkness
no one is looking.

"Write me something?"

Be careful what you wish for.
© Copywrite Skaidrum
 Sep 2015
am i ee

nocturnal creatures,
moon, stars
for company

still air
gentle breaths
summer's last gasps

the night speaks
i listen

in the silence
i can hear
silence & peace...
 Sep 2015
Today the last drops of Hope
Disappeared down the drain.
A slow circular dance without even
A goodbye.
It had been her companion for so many months
Years even.
It nurtured her and she prayed
That her trust would not be in vain.
This pain is not new--just sharper--
and no longer tempered by Hope.

She has built a wall
That can’t be scaled.
Isolation doesn’t lessen the agony
Physical comfort is no cure.
Heartache is like the seasons
It dissolves according to its own rhythm;
A schedule that laughs at our
Attempts to start summer in May.
Love that won’t be returned
Leaves us bobbing endlessly
On the unforgiving sea.
The heart listening devoutly
For those faint murmurs
Which keep it beating.

She waited many seasons for him
Colored leaves to be buried in snow
Then daffodils bringing hope
But falling soon in the heat of summer,
And then lonely winds of November.
How many springs would be enough
Until she knew her love would
Never bloom?

Today is the first day without hope
Waiting no more.
Feeling naked, bruised
But unshackled by a dream,
A nightmare?
Jericho will blow his horn
The wall will come tumbling down,
Maybe not crashing, but brick by brick
Stone by stone.
Will she love again?
 Sep 2015
clueless versus innocence
there really is no difference
one is polite and one is offensive
neither is based on resistance

do you want to remain nameless?
blameless, i guess is subjective
like a fire pit that remains flameless
our language is defective
we have so many words that mean the same thing as another word... still, we choose to take the same meaning, and make it a put down...but only toward the ones that we don't like
 Aug 2015
Mysterious Aries
Hello I've heard what happened to you when I was gone she said
I am too was so unlucky since I left here my bed
Remember that guy I've told you; he broke the promise he made
He never waited for my healing; and he married someone instead
But to tell you it doesn't matter never hurt a lot
You see I am so okay never cause me any scratch

It's been a month since I left; but I did come back
I remembered everything; all of our happy chat
Though I'm there outside no days I forgot
Lovely days we've been together; I've treasured it so much
I've come to realize that I must follow my heart who he tender
I can feel then our feeling was mutual; so it must be now or never

To then I looked at her and I began to say
I've known all the women that I've meet my way
I can give all their names from A to Z
They kiss me every night; we make love that's so alright
Amanda, Belinda, Cassandra to name a few
All of them have wings to the sky they flew
I'm sorry miss; I'm sorry
I did listened to the words you've said
Whats your name again, Jane?
I know Deniece and Ellaine their eyes are both glowing and green
But never in my life... I've met a girl who's name was Jane!

written: July 28, 2014

Mysterious Aries
My Schizophrenia Poem #8
This is a continuation of the Special Friend of Schizophrenia, I hope you'll catching up guys... Thank You...
 Aug 2015
To all the people in love with the moon,
and to those who love the sound of the rain;
this one's for you:
We're one and the same.
 Aug 2015
ajit peter
Fog of pain veils the path
Burning bridges of enmity and wrath
Unknown destination unknown path
Searched the way in the heart

The compass of life misguided past
The sign board of destination die cast
Know not the end as pains last
Searched the way in the heart

Road ahead to ride ahead
Sign board to ride ahead
Road ahead to ride ahead
Paths to find road ahead
 Aug 2015
Mysterious Aries
Through toil great wisdom instilled in my box
In that case I reckoned that I am a blessed fox
But it seems to me that all in vain
Because of my succumb that I can't refrain

Alas... Death to its fangs all our knowledge will be wrack
And who knows what's beyond death, might be all totally black
Are we still sting with the same looping dilemma
In the land of dead are we still haunt by this kind of enigma
Bold and Shameless is a book written by yours truly in the year of 2002.
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