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A  star  is  a

Diamond  in  the


You  are

A  diamond  in

The  *rough
 Aug 2015
Kelley A Vinal
I'm going on a trip
It's a little ways away
Maybe $20 in gas
Will get me there today
To Fornax Chemica
The White Tiger of the West
Hubble's going to catch me
And maybe wish me best
Travelling 60 million light years
May take a little while
But the lovely constellation
Will surely bring a smile
 Aug 2015
Ignatius Hosiana
You implore me to work it hard to find another
You say it like It's just as easy as disobeying my brother
You tell me we didn't deserve our end but it was karma
That much as it were heaven, it was Hell because of the drama
You're on bended knees asking me to forgive and forget
Tears streaming down your eyes with a crimson melancholy of regret
You're urging me to shine my eyes to the doors opened
But how can I hear you when by my own despairing sobs I'm deafened
Why are you even here beseeching me to stop clinging?
Why does it feel like It's the same sad song our hearts are singing?
What are you here to do, beg me to move on or pick up the pieces?
Are you here because you love him so much or you miss my kisses?
I hope you recall how bad I am at deciphering silence
Almost as bad as I was at Mathematics and all the science
So maybe It's time you say whatever you came to say
Or just walk out, after all it won't be the first time you walk away
 Aug 2015
so now in these times
when the corporations run our lives
and the religions run our after-lives
we are faced with the touch stone
of both factions






by any measure
the difference between us
and the chimps in the jungle

but in these times
of corporations and religion
run by soulless men
who have no time for excess
and no time for

where can it

art is the essence
of human over-flow

now not always fighting for food
now not afraid of the bumps in the night
now not a chimp in the jungle

we are more
and that more slopes off
to form:


the poems
the paintings
the plays

are all just excess

but there are important
because without the release
all that pent-up excess
would eventually

killing us or

right now
art has been found by
the corporations
the religions
and they’ve turned huge profits
for it

but art isn’t about profit
and it isn’t about art

art is about killing those nasty things
that grow up in the cracks of the sidewalk
when you leave it alone for too long

art is about finding the needle in the haystack
art is understanding why we exist at all

but now we live in a time of
run by soulless men seeking
to turn a profit

and as long as we live
in this age
art can
 Aug 2015
Earl Jane

Would I matter to you,

If my feet are inches above the floor?

                  © Earl Jane
                             ♥ E.J.C.S.
just a thought, not bitter :D nyeheeee
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
Down amour' Lane, wherein there's inamorata's and inamarato's,
I'm the ghost unseen, the real hopeless romantic, the lost shadow;
Down in the grave, with the demon's I battle, as I loosen mine light force, which God giveth me to breaketh their chained hand's

I'm on heartbroken street, wherein dream's taketh over, and reality doth not last; a jollification do I indeed want to arriveth for, for one to open their door, though I'm just figment to others
As mine vigor is more than real, hoping one for mine heart to steal...................................

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
 Aug 2015

Today there is no sunrise
No dew upon the lawn
No hummingbirds a’ flutter
A lonely empty dawn

The marigolds are sleeping
All butterflies are still
Just vacant silent shadows
Upon my window sill

You’re on a distant journey
And I can’t have you near
To tell me that you love me
I wish that you were here

So I’ll just keep on dreaming
For in my dreams I find
Your arms are wrapped around me
If only in my mind

I hold on tight the covers
This feeling I will keep
Today there is no sunrise
*So I’ll just stay asleep
Good morning beautiful
 Aug 2015
Eclipsing Moon
One Clan
A Poem by Eclipsing Moon-blood red

holiday season is on us again

One Clan

There is thunder in the sound of a horse’s hooves

And crackle of lightening in the crisp, clear breaking

Of a morn on the tall peaks.

Alas the reverie of the season is tried and found to be wanting.

All amiss of buttered *** and candy canes.

Saturated with the intensity…

Of our remembered Holidays, past.

Do you find a value in this our most way-laid Happiness?

Let us conjure the spirits of a truer time …

Snow on the ground and earth mothers feeling

Of the all -encompassing hug

Of Being one in kith and kin

One Clan
 Jul 2015
The sun didn't shine for young Bob
Didn’t shine at all
Mummy drank all the gin
She’s screaming at the wall
Heading for a fall
He knew when to run
Learned when he was young
Bruises only show on the living
Not on the kid for fun
Mummy wasn’t bad
Just sad
Daddy left a time ago
A younger girl
No ties
Now she wants to die
If only she hadn’t had me
Can’t you see
He would have stayed
That's what mummy says
It felt good after awhile
All the pills, all the gin
He thought he heard mummy say I love you
That was nice
Daddy would come home now
They could start again
The sun would shine
Just not for Bob.
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