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 Jun 2015
Shawn H Reeder
What if I told you there was a place.
where souls come, go, get lost.
For us few,there's just not enough disk space.
Even then, we shall continue to Praise.

My only hope is a controlled chemical reaction.
Neurotransmission is my only way to the celestial.
The closer to man, the bigger gravitational interaction.
The loneliness of a lost soul is nothing exceptional.

We all are on the receiving end of an unanswered prayer.
All these questions we do not know, our faith rarely grows.
The sweat, blood, and tears of lost men forms a giant layer
Over the entire earth; only then we might know.

Do these Heavenly deities feel the need to inspire?
The world is becoming more and more apathetic.
The souls of these sheep no longer have the herdsman to acquire.
All places once filled with beauty; ran outa' the need for aesthetics.

A species with infinite passion and potential
Have been left behind by these loving Saints.
Curse our flaws, through gods eyes, we seem inconsequential.
The suppression of our souls and emotions have made us faint.

God waits to bless all these souls who have become refugees.
You cannot live this life waiting to die. DO GREAT THINGS.
These expensive chemical reactions forced upon my body & Soul.
Lo, even if i do make the right choices, I seemingly never find the King.

The almighty likes to play that sick game of hide and seek.
On this morning, I cry, and cry more to fill this creek.
That is headed directly towards the castle.
Gods love is so bright; it cannot ever be used as a crutch.

We can all be blinded by the expectation of blessings.
Fight, fight, fight because you cannot come out of retirement in life.
Soon you shall see greater beauty and emotional bliss
Than you could have ever even prayed for.

Patience.  It's the spirit of a higher power can make the difference.
Seek knowledge about god and all religion is important business.
Ask with honesty, and god promised to be there for assistance.
We are all sons and daughters of him/her, let's all beat this sickness.

This war and never ending hiding is coming to an end.
Soon, his flock will return like an old friend.
Lucifer, Oh Lucifer, stay back from thee.
How much can go wrong in a day....well a lot for me, but so many more had it much worse.  I hate catching myself feeling sorry for myself.
 May 2015
Musfiq us shaleheen
I am not writing any poetry
Not a huff,
Not even a romantic mood,
I talked to a distress

Unto thee of say my friend:

The suffering of pain is more than a pain
Words of distress
No longer I can't say either

The story of that night
That is longer than a long night
That night, my love had died before the dawn

How do I tell thee

The suffering of love is unforgettable
Than the love you never achieved  
Middle of the night to about chest pain

When I could not bear it no longer
Then at late night I call a friend to awake
No longer I can't say either

My friend
O' my friend!
My dearest friend!

How do I tell thee
My soul grew dry that is more than a wither petals
No longer I can't say either

When the sudden stopped of time
I stood, Saw the closed distant door
No longer I can't say either

To be alone in everybody
Within a moment a known seems to be unknown
No longer I can't say either

The last thing to understand who she is constant
The story of the lost bright Star
No longer I can't say either

The door is closed
Maybe someone has locked
Alone, The sleepless nights of choking

One's that hard
Many pale faces in the crowd of strangers
Love is lost within too many hopes

How do I tell thee
No longer I can't say either
@ Musfiq us shaleheen
"if like please share/ repost /comments whatever you wish"
 Apr 2015
It's beginning...
As my day matured into the tangerine sun.
Familiar feelings effortlessly conjured as the same old tales were spun.

Some came in hues of marmalade
Traces of citrus that left in haste.
Initial sweetness on the palate that would fade
Only making way for a bitter aftertaste.

A few were wrapped in tints of ginger.
A jolt-like sensation that spoke...
Intense and unmistakable in nature.
Like glowing embers engulfed in latent flames and smoke.

Several bore the colours and scent of marigold
Boasting of orange petals whimsically waving to the clouds...
Whispering hints of rumours from days of old,
Days of when mine was the only silent face in a boisterous crowd.

The ones forged in bronze were few and hardly said.
Like the only compelling excerpt embedded within infinite chapters.
Hidden words in plain sight strung together boldly in
Rubies cast carelessly in the swiftest of rivers...

It is beginning...**
The end of today as the sun grew redder...
I'd bide the sands of time as it slips away into forever...
 Apr 2015
Cecil Miller
You never were a hater,
But you tried to be a player.
You tried to come off cool,
But there's a devil in your lair.
You tried to be a good one,
But they talk behind your back.
They're plotting, they're wotnotting,
And they're planning their attack.
They severed your reality -
They twisted every turn.
They're burning and they're churning,
They don't render what you yearn.
Then panic triggers fever,
And you feel the fever burn.
If they keep on pushing,
Those suckers gonna learn.
Then the witness understands.
There is reason for concern.
There is a new commander -
And oh!   The worm has turned.

What could you do?
You never knew.
How could have you?
No-one told you.
Misery is glue,
Sticks to you.

You never were a villain
Till they clotted up your chill.
You never needed anyone
To tell you what you feel.
They only know to validate
Themselves - they never love.
If it suits their motives,
They will bite, and kick and shove.
There never was a heartache
That you could not overcome.
You have to have a heart that's hard.
So go out and get you one.
Trample loosers under foot,
Or they'll be too burdensome.
Keep your left hand from your right,
And keep your lovers under thumb.
Finally, you start to see
That life is just a loaded gun.
You can never stop to rest,
You're always on the run.

What could you do?
You never knew.
How could have you?
No-one told you.
Misery is glue,
Sticks to you.

You master all that you survey, Everybody knows your name.
Cream rises to the top -
You are the winner of the game.
If you gave them half the chance,  
They  would cut you down.
You forever have to watch your back,
Never let them gather 'round.
You didn't try to rule the world,
You only wanted to survive.
If they had their way,  
You would no longer be alive.
Your meter's getting weaker,
But you strive to make it through.
You've trudged thicker purposes,
You always make it through.
They will give it all they've got
When they finally come for you.
You have never had a moment's peace,
'Cause misery is glue.

What could you do?
You never knew.
How could have you?
No-one told you.
Misery is glue,
Sticks to you.
I started writing this song in 2000. I was inspired by the rap-pop song by Blondie called No Exit.

— The End —