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 Oct 2016
Olivia A Keaton
the brook softly murmurs
Telling secrets to me
I think to myself*
this is how everything should be
it tells me stories
ones it knows I won't repeat
the creek with its secrets shall
always be told to me
Don't you love listening to the creek?
 Oct 2016
grumpy thumb
Feel low and lonely
like a cold November dawn
pushed out to the horizon
of your affection.

Hope's weak as a fragile chick
struggling with its shell
trying to shed some light
on your perception

.....of us.
 Oct 2016
when no objective is best for our protection
protecting ourselves would be the best direction
directing ourselves toward a progressive connection
connecting our minds to make a collective correction

correcting the obsessions that infect our perception
perceiving ourselves as the essence of conception
conceiving a brand new perspective of reception
receiving the blessing that we call perfection
In a Quantum Loop poem, the last line of each stanza must be used as a different form of the word, as the first word in the following line. It also must rhyme, or nearly rhyme. Rhyme scheme can be any way you want it though. In a double quantum loop poem, the first word in lines 2, 3, and 4 must rhyme.
A pocket full
of sunshine
to share some pure delight,

A pocket full
of shiny stars
to save for a really dark night.

A pocket full
of fairy dust
to sprinkle on the needy,

A pocket full
of dragon's breath
to fire at the greedy.

A pocket full
of raindrops
to wash away any impurities,

A pocket full
of umbrellas
to protect you from your insecurities.

A pocket full
of rainbows
to brighten up your skies,

A pocket full
of moonlight
to reflect the magic in your eyes.

By Lady R.F ©2016
May the bright light

Which forms a shadow

Around the moon,

Shine its gentle glowing shadow


Around all of you!

By Lady R.F ©2016
 Oct 2016

a smile is just like a ball
it bounce from person to person
with the right


© Pax
just a quote

Thank you everyone. It was a tough year for me. As you have known, i lost a parent a few months ago. Coming back here and writing  is like starting all over again. Smile was inspired on how i wear it on my daily routine in the office, even in tough times. This shows that i still have strengh and will to move forward. So i greatly appreciate everyone's support.
 Oct 2016
Were it as good
As before
I would have not
Sought after more

The stimulant dies
In despair
Surely you're not afraid
To get back out there

I once lived in a cage
Perhaps I've felt
Your rage
Push it down
Deep inside
Don't take hurt
   For a ride...
Traveler Tim
This is truly a heartless poem.
I don't mean any offense to my lonely friends.
I almost remembered what it felt like to cover my heart and blanket my soul ~ Almost!

I almost fell back to sleep on catching my stars and achieving my goals ~ Almost!

I almost forgot how to practice what I preach, when I thought for too long ~ Almost!

I almost forgot all of the words I had written
to my daily song ~ Almost!

I felt sorrow, until I remembered that tomorrow was nearer than far ~ Almost!

I pray for a tomorrow, regardless of any sorrow, for this life is but a shooting star ~ Almost!

By Lady R.F ©2016
 Oct 2016
Sara Went Sailing
Goddess sky inhales
emptiness into her lungs,
her white wedding dress clouds
shroud the brutally naked division
we impose upon ourselves.
Blue soothes insecurities to
convect heightened
feelings from failing us,
softening the edge of the firmament
and freeing us to fly at high altitude
toward life’s purpose.

Written by Sara Fielder © Oct 2016
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