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Record my love like a child , upon asphalt avenues in a medium of chalk .. For I was soapstone when I walked the earth .. Fragile , susceptible to change , prone to stormy weather and fleeting* ...
Copyright January 5 , 2018 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Jan 2018
Star BG
In the drivers seat of my day
I put my
thoughts into gear.
First gear self love.
Second gear compassion.
Third gear optimism.
Fourth gear trust.
Fifth gear miracles
Sixth gear love to all.

In the drivers seat of my day
I put  my
Heartbeat into song.
Song of gratitude.
Song of peace.
Song of joy.
Song of faith.
Song of love for all.
I expanded with two words drivers seat.
 Jan 2018
Nat Lipstadt
when a lost muse is no excuse,
when the mundane and the profane
are away on summer holiday,
and you are currently on the divine’s
'u **** - no write list'

nonetheless the itch in the private
spaces is driving you crazy,
write a poem, write a poem,
in the way a grandmother
(or a mother to a grown child)
whiny nags,
its a nice day, go outside and play
with a strange man
whatcha ya gonna do, the walls are all painted,
and the good bad boys are out of town, all with the  
other bad good girls,
who got there first,

but we will write of
******-rings and
other crazy songs you sing

it is not important you the reader understand every verse,
like Patton said, "it only matters that I know,"

which line is a joke,
which around your neck is
your customized yoke,
which is why:
plaintive wail to no avail,
the regret that never can be sated,
the frustration cratering inside the chest,
which is just,
(and unjust)
just enough
to make a semi-satisfactory smile
upon the lips appear

whose lips?
who cares?
as long as you don't have to hear me sing my poetry
but hear me smiling at
the power of whimsy writing
and the return of
my no longer muzzy^

Ms. Minx A. Muse-me
a poem in reserve for you, the Canadian girl
^muzzy - groggy, blurred

always about you and you******-rings/
 Jan 2018
In these moments of now
Where we all have reached
Each and every lucky one of us
Still standing on our feet

Gasping for new life
Surfing in the stream
I just want to say to you
Life is but a dream!
Traveler Tim
In the darkest of night
when your heart feels despair,
when you feel you’re all alone

[within your heart,
                       I’m always there]

When the sun kisses the morning
and you feel beauty in the air,
when your soul fills with love

[within your heart,
                       I’m always there]

When those days turn cloudy
and you feel no one cares,
when you’re made to feel less

[within your heart,
                       I’m always there]

When you admire the rainbow's beauty
as the hues shine with flair,
stretching from mountains to ocean

[within your heart,
                     I’m always there]

When joyfulness overtakes your heart
and you want nothing more than to share,
close your eyes, feel me within

[I never leave your heart,
                               I’m always there]

 Nov 2017
K Balachandran
Evening sun's, hot pulsating lips,
fervently seek the ocean blue, touch
for a sizzling, long,passionate kiss.
The ecstasy resulted makes inroads
as waves of anesthetic darkness,
engulfing the glow of consciousness
bringing the world as a whole
in to a soporiferous languor,pleasurable.
 Nov 2017
Thomas P Owens Sr
I had a dream
and in the dream I was suddenly
given the first line of a song
and from that I quickly had a 2nd and 3rd
and beginnings of a 4th line
in the dream I woke up in a 2nd dream
and found a pen and an envelope from an insurance ad
I began writing around the doodlings already on the envelope
I could only remember the first line clearly
within the 2nd dream I was fighting hard to recall the 2nd, 3rd and
4th lines of the song from the 1st dream. I had finally finished the 1st stanza, and was trying to piece together what I had sloppily written around the account numbers, grocery list and additional notes I had written on this envelope when I was fully awake
this is when I woke up from dream 2 and began looking for a pen and paper
to write down exactly what occurred in these dreams
before it was the song
absolutely true
Sweet muse of creativity
shine your light on me,
help me find the words to write,
for all, I feel and see.

Let me describe a sunset
that enchanting scene in the sky,
such a breathtaking painting
so pleasing to the eye.

Let me tell of the rainbow
the majestic blend of hues,
the exquisite flow of colors
bringing such a beautiful view.

Let me write of the mountain tops
dressed in white sparkling snow,
the way it drifts through the trees
as the sun makes a twinkly glow.

Allow me to write of love
like it’s never been written before,
to touch the heart so deep
of the ones I truly adore.

Give to me the words to share
sweet beautiful muse of mine,
so I may share with the world
the beauty I see through rhyme.
 Nov 2017
If I where known
By my famous poems
Would not the world
Be at my feet?
Sacred halls
Gathering all
Of the words
That I speak
Special days
For my praise
As they repost
My every thought
But instead
I struggle
To make one trend
As my ego
Pays the cost...
 Oct 2017
K Balachandran
In the bejeweled chronometer dial

of the lighted night sky's grandeur,

light years unfathomable, embedded

vie with one another,

every single minute

in a scramble to all 360 degrees

creating a  perfect hallucination!

Time impishly breaks all concepts,

of linearity, circularity and the rest,

takes to directions, that pleases

in the process makes one wonder

what the distinctions we make

as  past present and future mean!

"Let's mix past with future,

put past in present and create

an ethereal symphony of time,so that

nothing gets lost, gained either"
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