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 Aug 2019
Frank Russell
A particular preacher
Delivered the words
  Love your neighbor as yourself
Using the commandment
As an empty axiom
To establish religious superiority;
As a knife in the gut
Of non-believing neighbors.

- fr
 Aug 2019
SR Nirmal Kumar
Musical trills and chatters
The sweet smell of spring
"I find no pleasure in them!" groaned the withered old man
i just had to tell someone, even if it doesnt matter.

my dress has pockets.....
sorry for not really being active lately, I've just been relaxing and trying not to feel the pressures of thw=e outside world while I drink coffee and watch the office all day.
 Aug 2019
grumpy thumb
A world away
bridged by a page
only as strong
as the weakest ink
 Aug 2019
Miracle Beyond Me
I was normal
until the story of love
thoroughly confused me.

So now I have to chose
from a selection of hopes-
none of them attractive.

I can let the dogs dissect
my limbs, so my new body
can heal you all,

but then my weariness
will not be curable
even by eternal sleep.

If nothing else, I've learned this.

          The only words to fear
          are the deathless words.
          Keep them out of touch,

          but not out of sight
          as the gazelles glance and
          bounce round the lion.
 Aug 2019
Ursa Major yawns,
knowing winter will
grant her no rest
nor hibernation,
for sleep does not come easy
beneath the weight of
the cosmos.
 Aug 2019
A B Faniki
There once was a girl who was sad
she wear what is black so to hide
when summer is here the dress,
it calls heat that drenches
these cloth in summer will have her mad.
Limerick about summet cloth. 7/20/2019
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