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 Oct 2019
Logan Robertson
Sally's eyes followed the bouncing ball
Up and down the rubber hit the wall
Peter patter played swell
Back and forth in the well
When the ball lost its bounce, her eyes bawl

Logan Robertson


Sally's the love of my life I never had. So I can only imagine her spell on me.
 Oct 2019
Sally A Bayan
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"...go to hell, purloiners!
you breached my privacy,
both, are sacred to me...
what about you? anything at all sacred to you?"
It's been
three days and more,
of crossing fears...thinking,
how easily......and suddenly...
one's precious worded gems,
could be exposed to strangers' eyes...
to think that private thoughts can
no longer be private, is infuriating...
how does one deal with violated privacy?
i'm ailing...while drowning in dim streams
.....all assurances, now disputed
all negative possibilities considered
i'm paranoid...the devil is winning...

the stomach sympathizes
with a disconcerted mind
growling its discontent
creating deleterious acids...

mad, upsetting hours stay for a while
holes must be mended or patched...
what was disorganized ...must be straightened
got to start from scratch

these past evenings, i trod
through hot valleys bright with fire
burning with anger and disgust
...for, i felt betrayed,
never have i been this way before,

.....i must go back to the water.....

slowly............i wait,
'til i can look past those trees,
those walls....those worlds outside, and
from them, create a swinging hammock
tied on two coconut trees~~~then
feel a mist from a not so far clear, blue ocean
feel the breeze whisper its magic spell
to cool and melt the fires within
be at peace with everyone
with everything...

i must take hold of that space
where i'll float...and i'll forget
where i'll toy with the ripples
and be overcome
~~~~moments of zen~~~

...i keep on scribbling, even when i'm angry,
      'til i get to that moment of calm.
 Sep 2019
B D Caissie
If I could save time in a locket, I would wear it around my neck and sail the seas. Thus being immortally known as the father of time travel.

 Sep 2019
and it failed
resuscitated to no avail
 Sep 2019
just save your goodbye
i don't want to hear a lie
escapes from your mouth
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