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Someone is knocking at my door and it's a knock that Ive heard before
In the past
I've made the mistake and opened it wide not really caring who resides on the other side
To my surprise I got hurt
Burned, scared, stabbed, punched, kicked
Shall I go on
Left me laying on the side lines wondering what caused my demise
What harm did I cause you for you to make my eyes cry
To make me wish I would die
Or better yet
Hope you would die
Now here you are again
Knocking that same knock
Yes, you are in different form
But how do I know that your change isn't just skin deep
So instead of my opening my door wide,
This time
I'm going to shut it tight
I'm going to close the blinds and Turn off the lights
I'm going to hide in corner and patch my wounds
I'm sorry Love
but you aren't welcomed here anymore
No one wants a troubled girl
Cause All she knows is trouble girl

So we're toss out with the trash
Scratch that
We are the trash
We are the girls that society puts on blast
Cause no one wants a girl with a past
No one wants a girl with baggage
We're told to pack it up and put it in the cellar
Or basement, or attic, Or whatever
No one really cares where we put it as long as we don't bring it to the next house
As long as it remains hiddens from our next spouse
We're suppose to
Hide our scars and patch our wounds
Lose weight, stay well groomed  
Nip it tuck it, have good hair
Flaws and baggage remain over there
Back straight, heads up
Smile big, Lips plumped
And mostly, overAll
Cause this could be our one big flaw
We're suppose to
Keep past pain, emotions and drama in
Cause we don't want to lose our men  
Pretend like nothing is wrong, stay strong
Take a shot, ride it out
Cry alone
Huh? Nothings wrong
No one wants a troubled girl
All she knows is trouble girl
Inspired by troubled boy by kid cudi
I believe the whole world is crying  
From the trash, population, killing  and violence
People killing her babies and wearing it for fashion
Killing her babies and calling it profit

Haiti felt her anger on a 7 point scale
And sometimes that anger washes up on land
The Midwest feels her wrath from February to April
Tossing houses and cars all in the air

The south feels her pains every summer
When she cracks her whips and yells like thunder
The north gets to know her heart
when she freezes over
The west may think they have it perfect there
But you can hardly see with all the debris in the air

And here in Texas we get it the worse
cause she keeps us hot ,dry and our land filled with thirst

Some brush it off cause they see a rainbow The birds chrip and the breeze blows
But she's not so different from you and I
Cause don't you smile after a good cry

— The End —