I try and try
to change my
inevitable doom;
but it's all
for naught.
I try and try
to keep loving,
but the passion
soon leaves and
I'm left loveless.
I try, I swear, I try,
to hold onto my love,
but soon I find myself
growing bored of them.
I've gone through a lot
of them: the good, the sweet,
the bad, the funny, the shy,
the smart - many!
But soon I find myself
growing so, so bored
of them. I never cheat,
never flirt, never do
anything bad that could
break the relationship.
But then there's the catch -
be the good girl, but in return,
become unloving; never
fall in love, no matter how
hard you try to love.
I try, I honestly do,
but when I'm in a
relationship, a month or
so later, I find myself
bored and frustrated with
the poor victim.
I'm just a heartbreaker who
kills her victims on the inside.
I don't mean to, but I do.
I just can't love.
Why am I so loveless?