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 Nov 2014 nurul
Orlagh L'Africain
Army crawl through dirt
We are dodging the missiles
Oh no! I've been hit!
Cigarette burns, hole in my
skirt. Oh what a childhood!
First try at a tanka...hopefully done correctly.
 Nov 2014 nurul
Allison Meyette
It blows my mind that you stayed
I thought you were going to leave
Just like last time
I sat, enjoying my night
Until I noticed

You were holding her hand.
You never held my hand.

Two shadows walking under street lamps
So easy to miss, so hard to ignore
The image is burned on the back of my eyelids
Reflecting even in the safe haven
Of my own darkness

Honestly, you have the best timing
Right when I thought I was getting better
I’ve relapsed
And my thoughts have been consumed
With those mocking blue eyes and
Jutting jaw and
Snooty personality

All of your worst qualities
Are those I remember and yet
Those are which I cannot stand
I’ve found someone better, honestly

And he’s just like you

Only improved –
No snotty remarks, no sarcastic “Fantastic”
No rants on the philosophy of our existence
Or short stories with only a beginning

This itself is a beginning
And I intend for it to be
One that makes me finally happy
 Nov 2014 nurul
Marian Taylor
 Nov 2014 nurul
Marian Taylor
Driven arc.
Prison by steel.
Cheating lights.
Promises unfulfilled.
Black ash.
No heart.
Smothered in red smoke.
Barren dreams.
Poisonous noise.
Water that suffocates.
Broken world.
Broken by me and you.
 Nov 2014 nurul
Cheryl Mukherji
I wonder
what you meant
when you told me,
over the fifth cup of black coffee,
that you had fallen out of love
more than the number of times
you’d kissed someone,
your hands were not under-oxygenated
but, cold
because each hand you held before,
took away your share
of warmth too
and people
were just bricks
that you kept stacking
to build a wall around
your heart;
while, I
held your sweaty palms
and heard your heart
beat against your ribcage
like a storm.
This 'you' that everybody writes about are
The tears that stain our cheeks late at night,
The eyes that haunt our dreams every night,
The scars that remain as devil-ish memories of our weak moments.

I'm sick of this 'him' I'm sick of this 'her' that torments people day after day,
Making then write until their brain is pulsing and their hands are shaking.
I just want to be an okay me.
And if I need a 'him' to help me feel okay,
Then may God help me.
For I have no purpose in this world
Other than to rely on others for my heart to continue to beat.

I want to be the reason that I am still here.
I do not want to rely on another human soul.
For we are all doomed at one point to be nothing if that is the case.
But I just pray that if
Nothing we once were,
Then may our memories of life forever remain.

— The End —