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I don't listen
to the words you speak.
Instead, I watch
as your lips curve
and shape each sssound.
I don't hear
a word you've said,
but I agree
with every breath
you've drawn between them.
After the burial-parties leave
  And the baffled kites have fled;
The wise hyaenas come out at eve
  To take account of our dead.

How he died and why he died
  Troubles them not a whit.
They snout the bushes and stones aside
  And dig till they come to it.

They are only resolute they shall eat
  That they and their mates may thrive,
And they know that the dead are safer meat
  Than the weakest thing alive.

(For a goat may ****, and a worm may sting,
  And a child will sometimes stand;
But a poor dead soldier of the King
  Can never lift a hand.)

They whoop and halloo and scatter the dirt
  Until their tushes white
Take good hold of the army shirt,
  And tug the corpse to light,

And the pitiful face is shewn again
  For an instant ere they close;
But it is not discovered to living men—
  Only to God and to those

Who, being soulless, are free from shame,
  Whatever meat they may find.
Nor do they defile the dead man’s name—
  That is reserved for his kind.
Wisedom is to know the difference between your faith and religion.
  Stupidity is to not know either.
They say war isn't an action but an emotion fueled by rage and anger..
   I say war isn't part of what we do but who we are,
Its in our nature.

People now days have confused strength with confidence and how far one is willing to go...

We judge the people around us before we meet one another.
  We pick and choose people to hate an people to love without making choices.

They say YOU can change but you have to change yourself...
  Better said than,
The world is gonna change and your status will be determind by your wealth.
   Saying "money over everything" is like saying "**** everyone else",
But to put that in action is like admitting you'd rather live by yourself.

Surrounded by galaxies and a forever reaching domain

We have a problem admitting we are all one in the same.

Weighted down by opression and smashed by our fears,
We're doomed to work for an eternity beyond your childs years.

Shed tears for our future,
Held back by the weak,
We've been chasing dreams and against reality, dreams will never compete..
   Its hardly a race when your starting in last but we look forward to the future, never questioning the past.
Thank You all for the read's!!!
I was blindsided,
Hit in the back.
A ruthless attack.

Your adoration vanquished me.
It relinquished me,
from the agony of my dreams.
Her heart beats
like a drum

*** ***

You heard it
and stole it

*** ***

You hid it
and fit it to your liking

*** ***

She saw what you were doing
knew the whole time

*** ***

And she
wasn't pleased


So she left
went far away


And her heart
is no longer a drum

There quiet you lay
Body cold as wintered day
Hurting in silence
Subject to violence
Waiting for the coming of May.
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