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  May 2014 Chloé
happily anonymous
im the calm before the storm.
I try to cover all my drama then bring it to you
like opening a beatifully wrapped gift to find out there was only underwear inside
but not just any underwear
ones that are torn and distressed, but not from being worn
its from being passed on from friend to friend.
I wish I had a new gift but this is all I have to offer.
maybe if I didnt always have to give the gift could stay at rest.
friendship is a struggle
Chloé May 2014
You took my joy of life
So can i have my heart back?
  May 2014 Chloé
Martin Kroyer
That man, that’s not me
Soon, I’m not here
Hold on
I disappear.

These days I drift away
Just turning round and round
You won’t
Let me down.

I’d change just for you
But never let me go
Fall back
In the arms I know.

In a while I’ll leave
Am I lost or found
You won’t
Let me down
Words for a time when you feel things are going to change, and though it might scare you, be without fear.
Chloé May 2014
In our dreams we can be everything
We can be nice or mean
We can be kings and queens
We can be nerds or punks
We can be happy..
  May 2014 Chloé

My thoughts are what I’m thinking
My thoughts are all my own
I think the thoughts I think I’ll think
And think them all alone

The thoughts I think are constant
I think them day and night
Because they are not what you think
That does not make you right

My thoughts sometimes are happy
At times I think they’re sad
Thinking ‘bout them long enough
I think will make me mad

I think in many colors
I think in grand design
I think you think I’m crazy
You think I lost my mind

My thoughts are thought provoking
I thought you’d find that fun
Sometimes I think I’m thinking
I think sometimes I’m done

So think about this poem
And lessons it hath taught
I wrote it so you’d think a bit
At least that’s what I thought
The weirdest things happen when I start thinking...I think.
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