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Chelle Quezon Nov 2015
I closed and condition my heart not to love
I build walls, no one can climb above
Scared that someone might hurt me again
A promise of love then leaving me in pain.

I don't want to get myself lost,
I don't want to be Alice,
Who keeps on falling down forever.
I don't want to be buried by my own emotions.
I don't want to fall into a trap anymore.
I don't want it to be just another period of bliss
Followed by heartaches, heartbreaks,
Clinched fists and chaos.
I don't want my love to be just another myth
I want it to be real and live

I've fallen once in this kind of crime
And if I'll give it another shot,
I don't wanna fail this time.
  Oct 2015 Chelle Quezon
Jax levii
Take long showers and rub your skin raw
Until it becomes red
And their touch has been washed off
Their kisses and hugs washed down the drain

Say their name over and over
Until it becomes distorted
And foreign in your mouth
So all that's left are traces of bitter taste
Wash it down with a glass of wine
Or two
Or three

Remove all the sheets and blankets
That were once entangled with their legs
And embedded with their scent
Clean them. Rip them. Burn them.
Buy new ones. Buy a new bed.
One where the mattress has yet
To comform their figure

Start hating yourself
Because no matter what steps you take
You can never forget them
You don't even really want to
  Oct 2015 Chelle Quezon
Jessa Rose
doesn't know who I am
nor knows who you are
Mutual it is
words uttered beyond thinking
actions done beyond imagining

comes after the words uttered
or after the actions done
Irrevocable it is
one can never fix
one can never repair
for everything's broken

comes with Love and Regret
you can never love truly
if it doesn't hurt
same as regrets are not regrets
if there's no hurts' presence

if these three weren't felt
can't be attained

It's like
connecting the dots
You sometimes follow
the wrong direction
Yet, in the end
you'll be right there
at the right destination
  Oct 2015 Chelle Quezon
I've never been the type of girl
To fall so easily for a guy
But here I am falling for you
And I can't even fathom why

You were just a cafeteria crush
My feelings weren't supposed to grow
But with these food and snack encounters
I found that we've reaped and now we sow

Your cool fingers on my neck
Halt me enough to arch my spine
I know our love wouldn't be tragic
But I can't let history rewind

So I'll let you in eventually
When these walls all finally come down
But if you decide to climb them
Please don't be crushed if you hit the ground
Chelle Quezon Sep 2015
If we meet the right person at the wrong time,
does that make them the wrong person then?
And if I meet the wrong person, at the right time
do they become the right person?
Chelle Quezon Sep 2015
I ain’t like those any other story
That you put on a shelf
And read whenever you please
I’m not the kind of story
That collects dust
And wait for someone to pick me up

I always try to find my way
In every way possible
In every human I meet
In every heart, bones
In every ink my pen produce
In everything I see

I am that kind of story

That kind you can’t leave in the best part
That kind you will cry with the worst part
That kind you can’t forget even if you tried
That kind of story you will be wondering why

I am that kind of story

I’m a best seller
A limited edition print
A classic
A nonfiction
A real romance

I have battled dragons
Pirates and Evil queens
Uses magic to conquer them
By all means

I am that kind of story

My intro is soft and sweet
Altered chapter
Read between the lines
I promise I’ll patch the conflict
And build suspense
For now enjoy my ******
Cause I’m still rewriting the ending

I am that kind of story

But you still put me on a shelf
Just to purely fill space in your library

Someone else has come around
And never put me down
He have seen the value I see in me
He go beyond the cover
See me as more than pretty words & poetry

And come back & find I’m gone
Not a trace of my ink, my page or my words
And you’ll realize
I was best story you’ve ever been apart of

because I am that kind of story.
  Jul 2015 Chelle Quezon
don't you dare fall in love with a writer. the exquisite pleasure of loving him will come with a price. he will turn your lips into metaphors, his poetry will be stuck in between your teeth, and he will make you fall in love with each and every flaw that you have, his tongue will embody his lust and the skin between your legs will become his canvass. his lies will be so white it will be a more potent form of *******. and not for long, he will turn you into just another boring piece of literature.
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