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A fugitivas sombras doy abrazos;
en los sueños se cansa el alma mía;
paso luchando a solas noche y día
con un trasgo que traigo entre mis brazos.
Cuando le quiero más ceñir con lazos,
y viendo mi sudor, se me desvía,
vuelvo con nueva fuerza a mi porfía,
y temas con amor me hacen pedazos.
Voyme a vengar en una imagen vana
que no se aparta de los ojos míos;
búrlame, y de burlarme corre ufana.
Empiézola a seguir, fáltanme bríos;
y como de alcanzarla tengo gana,
hago correr tras ella el llanto en ríos.
Trataron de casar a Dorotea
Los vecinos con Jorge el extranjero,
De mosca en masa gran sepulturero
Y el que mejor pasteles aporrea.
Ella es verdad que es vieja, pero fea,
Docta en endurecer pelo y sombrero;
Faltó el ajuar y no sobró dinero,
Mas trájole tres dientes de librea.
Porque Jorge después no se alborote
Y tabique ventanas y desvanes,
Hecho tiesto de cuernos el cogote,
Con un guante, dos moños, tres refranes
Y seis libras de zarza, llevó en dote
Tres hijas, una suegra y dos galanes.
 Jan 2018 CGY
Kobayashi Issa
Visiting the graves,
the old dog
leads the way.
 Sep 2017 CGY
I don't hide under rocks
the way they say we do

I find a cool linoleum floor
in a condemned house

and hope it ain't got too many cracks
or no rat will come while I'm asleep

a popped fire hydrant can be a gift
from white gods

but as soon as they come twist it shut
I dry fast and slither off to shade

even if it's behind a dumpster:
Damon's got good trash

had me half a cold rib eye
from that heap last night

and a good nap 'til the city come to
dump the bin this rude dawn

now I'll be on the prowl but only long
enough to beg for some silver alms

only long enough to get red wine and find the next spot out of the sun

for these August streets are too hot
and make my cool blood boil
Jenny knows I am a lizard at heart...
 Sep 2017 CGY
 Sep 2017 CGY
Oh the songs,
The stories,
Misappropriated words,
Misspoken information.
Choose your side,
But when your allegiance
Is based on lies,
Your very defense of your point
Is a mistruth in of itself.
So run your mouth,
But I've got
A bullet for
Every person
Who falls for your
Fearful facade.
And my trigger finger
Is definitely getting itchy.
 Sep 2017 CGY
Ian Lewis Copestick
I've spent nearly all my adult years
In awful occupations​
Hundreds of jobs, hundreds of tears
Years of sheer frustration
Terrible employment
Cooking sausages, bagging salt
Absolutely no enjoyment
But it wasn't always my fault
Leaving school with no qualifications​
No career to look forward to
You have to take any occupation
What else can you do?
Miserable jobs, minimum wage
Always the first to be ' let go '
Working all night, sleeping all day
But nowhere else to go
Throwing heavy boxes about
Loading massive lorries
On the bottom rung and no way out
I've worked in so many factories
Now I have tried to educate myself
Qualifications of which I'm proud
Training for a job in Mental Health
Yes, that's my way out
And for about 2 1/2 years
I've been working voluntarily
Helping people with their troubles and fears
Now I have found the right job for me
Now I have found the thing I want to do
I have found my real career
It helps me to be be helping you
And I will always be here
 Sep 2017 CGY
Ian Lewis Copestick
As the night it falls
And the  bright streetlights turn on
My heart lights up too
 Aug 2017 CGY
Pearson Bolt
 Aug 2017 CGY
Pearson Bolt
we slow-dance to Turnover in the living room
while cars roar past and ambulances wail.
backlit by the yellow glow of a dimmed lamp,
we whirl endlessly, choking back melancholy.

“would you come here and spin with me?”

visions of the past still haunt
our periphery, but we cling
to hope, enduring even at the end of a rope,
waiting for our chance to catch the next breath.

“i’ve been dying to get you dizzy.”

your tears collect, mourning dew,
slipping insistently down your cheeks.
i kiss the salt streams and sing quietly,
lips pressed like a seal against your ear.

“find my way up into your head...”

the needle scratches against the LP.
aimless, we twirl in unspoken rapture,
hearts thumping to the very beat
that sets our feet to turning.

“ i can make you feel like new again.”

limbs taxed by atrophy, we collapse
once again into the bed, light-headed,
giddy. dazed with joyous, ephemeral bliss
to flit through another sensuous tryst.
 Aug 2017 CGY
DaSH the Hopeful
Dragging my knuckles* on the sidewalk
      I find myself hoping for a *spark

     that would confirm my mechanical makeup
        Titanium and servos buried mere inches beneath faux flesh
        Scraping concrete

         *Friction, it would seem,
           is the only force powerful enough to reveal me to myself
 Aug 2017 CGY
Ryan Holden
The doorstep we sat
Frantically eating ice cream,
before it melted

My sister would laugh
with her blonde fringe, big blue eyes
and round chubby cheeks.

Most simple image
Yet it captures a fragment
Of my purest soul.

One that dreams a dream
inside a wrapped up moment
For my heart only.
Oh, I remember the days like it was yesterday. In the summer sun with our ice creams
melting on the doorstep of my grandmas house! 4 Haiku's making 1 poem :)
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