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 May 2016 cassidy
I said I love you.
It's not a question.
So it needs no answer.
But it is more of a stimulus.
Therefore, I need a response.

I said I miss you.
It's not an obligation to say the same.
So you need not to do it.
But it is more of a feeling.
Therefore, show me.

But no matter how you respond,
(by thank you or I love you too)
No matter how you show me,
(by slamming doors or I miss you more)
As long as I never miss a moment
Of telling you these words,
I will be okay. It will be fine.
 May 2016 cassidy
 May 2016 cassidy
i tried to put you on my wall with the rest of me. i tried so hard. but you wouldn't stick. you kept falling off and i would put a new piece of tape on and shove you back on my wall. but you wouldn't stick.

i tried to put myself on your wall. i tried so hard. but i didn't stick. i kept putting tape on me and running into the wall. but i didn't stick.

either you don't keep yourself on your wall, or we're not meant to be.
 May 2016 cassidy
I am deflated
like a balloon left in the corner for a few days
wrinkly and sad but still there
slightly full but not worth keeping

I am deflated
like an inner tube of a bike tire
rolled out of a garage after the winter
a hindrance on the path to felicity

I am deflated
like an air mattress
handled carelessly a few too many times
still useful but not overly enjoyed

I am deflated
because I am too exhausted to inflate myself
my heart will soon expire
during a blinding rage against
a travesty passing as light breeze
in the storm of this ungodly hour
we sit silent in our own mundane and minute plans
miniscule needs, fraudulent desires
night holds no wishes
no dreams
there is no life in the eyes of these sad children
only the grin of instant gratification

I remember when there were dreams
when there was room for thought
room to search the vast landscape of our consciousness
the curse of having lived before the digital age

we are fading as we flash our rehearsed smiles
we are cooking in our own tasteless juices
we struggle deciding on coke zero or diet pepsi  
as our brothers are beheaded

and we don't blink
my heart will soon expire
during a blinding rage against
a travesty passing as light breeze
in the storm of this ungodly hour
we sit silent in our own mundane and minute plans
miniscule needs, fraudulent desires
night holds no wishes
no dreams
there is no life in the eyes of these sad children
only the grin of instant gratification

I remember when there were dreams
when there was room for thought
room to search the vast landscape of our consciousness
the curse of having lived before the digital age

we are fading as we flash our rehearsed smiles
we are cooking in our own tasteless juices
we struggle deciding on coke zero or diet pepsi  
as our brothers are beheaded

and we don't blink
 Apr 2016 cassidy
 Apr 2016 cassidy
Did I mention I
miss the way your mouth
would form into a smile?

The way your teeth would
show, along with your dimples,
crescents on the corners of your

I adored your smile.
 Apr 2016 cassidy
 Apr 2016 cassidy
Did I mention I
miss the way your mouth
would form into a smile?

The way your teeth would
show, along with your dimples,
crescents on the corners of your

I adored your smile.
 Apr 2016 cassidy
...but instead, we chose to be lovers,
and that
was the beginning of our end.
turned to bitter tears
and cruel words.
The comradery so quickly
became incompatibility.
What was once so fruitful
became barren.
And so we both went our own ways,
lonely and hurt.
What fools to attempt such a thing
we could have just been
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