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Dec 2015 · 435
Your voice
Caitlin Skye Dec 2015
It's the sound of your voice that goes straight through me;
A lingering euphoria on my skin,
Cascading and unravelling in my bones,
Straight through to the depths of my heart and
To my very soul that is yours.
You awaken me.
Apr 2015 · 704
Caitlin Skye Apr 2015
How can I confess,
The perplexity of the way you make me feel.
The way your soul indelibly connects with mine;
Or the way my thoughts devour you.

The way your words caress my insides;
The way your laugh brings warmth to my chest.
Like a fire that blazes so luminously,
You are my light.

I had once said,
That we are taught not to play with fire.
But I'd gladly get burnt,
*If it meant eternity with you.
If I could have just one wish
Feb 2015 · 529
Caitlin Skye Feb 2015
And she could have sworn she saw,
                 A dove soar through the clouds,
                              High above the chaos below,
                                             Making her heart sore with desire.
Feb 2015 · 683
Caitlin Skye Feb 2015
There is a melody playing in my soul.
The kind that melts the heart with an intense euphoria:
Devoid of despondency and misery-
And it makes my heart sing.

Like our lungs need air,
And like the sun needs the universe,
*I need you.
Jan 2015 · 637
Caitlin Skye Jan 2015
If only I had the syllables to confess,
My heart and soul to you.
A thousand words wouldn't be enough,
To expose myself unto you.

Never before had I been beguiled,
By something so extraordinary.
Like a ray of sunshine; bewildered by the light,
Longing to touch it's gentle warmth.

And it was like the world was one dim place,
Filled with pretension and evil,
*Before I met you.
Jan 2015 · 928
Future intentions.
Caitlin Skye Jan 2015
Her dreams were tantalisingly alarming,
So wayward and distant,
That most doubted her potential to fly--
To raise herself up,
Untouched by the slander,
Of those who misjudged her wings.
She knew that some people were beautiful, vivacious spirits,
And that the rest were just the illusion of it.
The futile judgement and condescension the world projected was inept:
For she believed she could be anything.

*Anything she dreamed of.
Jan 2015 · 674
Butterfly Fly Away.
Caitlin Skye Jan 2015
You* ignite the fire within me-
And it blazes red.

We are taught not to play with fire,
So I can't be liable,
**If I burn you.
Sep 2013 · 976
Caitlin Skye Sep 2013
I am a bird,
With wings so mighty and gallant,
That I can soar through the feathery clouds;
Drifting delicately;
Graceful, like a dancer.

You cannot touch me;
I am invincible;
Fearlessly mirthful.
And even if my wings were clipped,
You'd still see me gliding through the clouds.

*Because my vivacity is infallible.
Sep 2013 · 484
(To be) Judicious.
Caitlin Skye Sep 2013
Those who are
               Are in a far more
                                 position than those who are
Just a thought, ♥
Caitlin Skye Sep 2013
Endless entrances and various pathways--
Designated to just one thought.
One thought that is so entirely intricate and complex,
That not even you can understand the convoluted nature of your mind.
The brain is just so wonderfully interesting! Don't you think?
Sep 2013 · 393
Caitlin Skye Sep 2013
Our lives are like a blank easel;
*Paint your story and share it with the world.
Aug 2013 · 541
Caitlin Skye Aug 2013
Endlessly, it blew;
In no particular direction.
Passing through our unruly hair,
Wayward strands fluttering about,
It was the norm.
We unknowingly knew of nothing better.
Until the sun shone, glimmering vivaciously
And we were blinded.
Forgotten was the wind,
And forgotten was the friendship that had us trapped in a whirlwind
Of laughter, joy, chaos and unnecessary turmoil.
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
Caitlin Skye Aug 2013
There is an inch within all of us--
An inch that is inextricably tiny, small and hard to find;
An inch that can determine whether or not we laugh, smile or cry.
We are forever connected and cannot escape it;
We must accept it.
*For it is in this inch that true and eternal happiness can relinquish it's strength.
Aug 2013 · 1.4k
Useless talent.
Caitlin Skye Aug 2013
She sits.
Her legs are curled daintly within the shadows of the four feet that support her.
Her mind spins in a whirlwind of facts and knowledge: uncontrollable, yet ethereal.

When will her name be known, heard and seen?

*For the world is, for now, deprived of her glory.
Aug 2013 · 602
Stress freeeeee.
Caitlin Skye Aug 2013
She picks it up and cradles it;
Not a second thought.
The perfect harmony of the feeling of nothing
Tightly embraces her.
Makes her feel at peace.
She enjoys the simplicity of the unseasonably warm winter breeze.
It whispers:
                "I can; I am; I will."
Aug 2013 · 4.1k
Watermelon seeds.
Caitlin Skye Aug 2013
White diamonds eat away at the blissful seas of heaven;
Black spots scattered across the pink flesh of the sea.
She enjoys the perfect silhouette of her face, gnawing at the water,
Gone in a matter of seconds; how could this be?
I just love watermelon ok. x
Aug 2013 · 404
Caitlin Skye Aug 2013
I often wonder how we came to be; how the melancholy
Of a harsh winter's morning can ruin one's day.
The gentle breeze that plays with damp hair and
How the months fly by until the the day after May.

— The End —