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 Feb 2017 Cait Harbs
Lying on the beach,
it's getting darker each time you blink.
Hear the colorful explosions up high,
the sky is in chaos, don't you think?

Forget what I told you,
leave those words to the tide.
The stars are peaking through,
my ignorance is wild and wide.

A handful of white rocks,
you smile like a maniac.
Breathing out hoaxes,
while I play piano on your back.

The fireworks stopped,
you gave me black rocks.
My blanket was made for two,
yet another startling paradox.
This is absolutely crazy. I can't believe my poem was chosen as a daily. Especially not when I know there are so many other, way more talented, poets on this site who deserve it way more than I do. But I thank you all of you, from the bottom of my heart, for reading, liking and the nice comments you leave. It means the absolute world to me! :) <3
sacred silence eats
arisen shine for breakfast
manifest-side up
I've been beaten down,
torn apart and ripped to shreds -
I have the war scars to prove it,

I've been knocked down,
broken to pieces and left out in the cold -
I've been trampled and defeated.

I've managed to stay alive -
It's nothing short of a miracle,

I've managed to turn my pain
into poetry--an art -
I've even managed to make it lyrical!

By Lady R.F ©2017
Poetry is my life!
Without it I would be completely lost
In a world I don't fit into.
 Feb 2017 Cait Harbs
Feast at my death
Lament thee not, at my passing
For I am but a vapor
A winter's breath,
Upon the lips of love
when in the world’s leading democracy
a new president starts his office with

     making life more expensive for average home owners
     signing orders threatening the health of millions
     restricting the publications of researchers
     denying global warming
     encouraging coal and oil companies
     forbidding federal employees to talk to the media
     going on fantasy trips about “alternative facts"
          to justify his ridiculous lies
     blaming the media when asking questions and checking facts
     barring leading media companies from press conferences
     waffling about his Russian connections
     refusing to release his tax returns
     ordering to build walls to keep out all those aliens,
          like the old Chinese did, to little avail
     issuing poorly formulated presidential orders
          causing confusion and harm and even deaths
     banning even green card holders from entering the country
     filling his cabinet with all the alligators from the swamps
          he promised to clean during his campaign
          people who know how to avoid paying taxes and beating the     system
          but have no clue how to govern now that they ARE the system
          and think they can run the USA with its 350 million citizens
          as Trump&Cronies;, USA, Inc.,
          like their private family businesses, for profit
courting kings and monarchs & wannabe sultans in the near east
     'democratic dictators' in the far southeast
      and wannabe czars in russia
but hesitating to confirm ties to old allies
     in Europe, NATO, and the Far East
suggesting that having undeclared secret meetings
     is quite OK with his campaign team members
     his son and son-in-law

[ctd. fron line 2...] it is high time to seriously ask
what concept
    if any
of democracy he has in mind
In view of ongoing developments, this poem is a work in progress and will be updated whenever significant "presidential orders" or some such become public.
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