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Don't allow yourself to feel "dumb" or "stupid" based on your inability to achieve something you care little about.

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
To be alone is not so tragic,
to be alone, and yet at peace is magic
but oh to be alone with you
That my love is magic meant for two,
For in this life are many troubles,
we both have more than just a few
but when I see the love that lies behind your eyes
My troubles fade from view
And my world is born anew.
 Oct 2014 Caela Bay
Wuji Seshat
They had the plastic coffins ready
Before the panic hit, Ebola was a planned
Population reduction project

A good distraction from Economic collapse
Governments always divert your attention
At critical moments in history
The elite wish to keep their control
Ebola had no trouble infecting

Medical professionals, but they assured us
It’s not airborne, it’s only an exchange
Of fluids, so cover up your eyes

Ebola carries with it the heat of Africa
Able to make your blood boil form the inside
A post-colonial bioweapon specifically designed
To make you fear, to make you a follower
I think my stomach can feel it spreading

Around the world, in months, years
You cannot contain something like this
By simple quarantine? Even the medical staff

Don’t want any part in it, so cover your eyes
The black plague drips sinister News
In our times, the mainstream media plans
Consumes with its grip, like Ebola
It has the power to consume, a portable
Killing-machine, enough to linger about doom?  

Ebola is an outbreak, taken more seriously
The closer it hits to home, what is home
On a planet of billions of travelling people?
Going down,
my knees hit first,
splitting old scars,
and spilling more blood....

Every side touched by slow quicksand on cold toes.
The virus rages on.
Being scared to write means something,
damming up words that are my body
denies sweet breath
to parts that need the most to breathe.

My fetus universe
flashes red and gold
on the walls
inside the cave...

Bust out that cage!
Shut off the light!
Wander through the street!

Back from the dead
I have a bone to pick...

Once wandering alone in darkness,
I was guided by my Jesus from some slinky, slimy nothing
to a tangible, ****** dream.
My Jesus and my Virgil
--eaten up too soon.

I had to walk through Hell alone
Now poised at my striking hour...

I have no more words.
 Oct 2014 Caela Bay
Amanda Lee
I hate you!
The way you scream your words,
and how you know how much they hurt.
I hate the way you make me feel,
and how your smile is surreal.
I hate the way you hold my hand,
and pretend that you can.
I hate the way you pull my hair,
because I know that you don't care,
about the way you make me feel,
and how your kisses make my squeal.
I hate the way you bite my lip,
and make me cringe when you grab my hip.
I hate when you pull off my clothes,
and make all my worries turn to hopes.
I hate that I love you.
I love you.
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