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I'll have regrets
the day I die
I'll have unanswered questions
that around me fly
I never went up to the moon
I never saw Napoleon's tomb
I never crossed the oceans deep
Nor stood on top of Himalaya's peak
I never thought we'd say goodbye
but time just slipped on by
And now I sit here feeling sad
wondering if life has me had

It doesn't matter anymore
The memories's weight
I can pull no more
I'll just lay down and die
and to this world I'll say goodbye
Then as I walk into the light
I will be full of fear and fright
But it will all be okay
Happens to us all on any given day
If I **** myself
Everything will be okay
Because time goes on
& how can you hurt someone so much when they never let their teeth graze you? how can you squeeze their heart in your calloused fist when they've swallowed down every ounce of passion you've poured out? how can you kiss their mouth ruddy and raw and not say goodbye? how can you look them in the eye with the stars as witnesses with a knife hidden behind your back? how can lead them with a beautiful rope (don't tell them it's a noose, not yet) and promises of more, more, and let them fall down the cliff while you **** their best friend? how can you look at your reflection and not shudder at the horrors you've committed standing behind you?
complacency is killing us; our blind acceptance of who and what and where God is will **** us. we are not fighting, not the way we should be. i have all the fires and brimstone of hell inside of me-- does that mean all of those sinners get sent to me? i am dissatisfied with this and i will fight, fire with fire, until one has been put out and the other consumes all. if i have options, i have one right to choose. we need to question, we need to strike, because we are the people and no one can silence this, no one can put this down. fight back and ponder the credibility of your God and walk into your church and stare at that cross and ask your God the questions you weren't taught to ask. o farmers: pick up the rifle and put down the plow-- the time to fight is now because it's now or never, blindly loving children of God, but do not give me your answers. keep them to yourselves and let them fester with an infection that no amount of praying can drive out. are you going to keep fighting God, or are you going to collapse into the arms of God? question everything He has taught you but do not be afraid, because He will still let you into His kingdom once you have found in this cookie cutter religion what it is you need and want. you have to get out of this terrifying ignorance and into the harsh truth you formulate. the blind dark may be appealing, beckoning you, but however painful, the reality is your paradise so get out of the palace of the pharoh and into the new world; God will open his arms to you still
Bloodstained sweatshirt with no recollection of how it got there, or who's it was.
Hands nervous and gentle, assured and rough, sitting terribly low on my hips.
Street lights an unflattering amber on our pale skin, illuminating his eager eyes and my perpetually self-conscious ones.
The sweet scent of teenage boy clung to him in the best possible way.
These are the details of the first time he kissed me, the push of the domino.
Since that night, with the neighbors' swing set alone as a witness and the brave frailty of a fall night's cold, I have been hooked. Trapped, spellbound, moonstruck, indelibly in lust with him.
My back against a concrete wall, hands roaming and tickling the valorous strip of skin that really should be covered by my shirt.
Lips on mine, hip bones digging into mine, hurried and heavenly. This was our last kiss.
It was not tender, like the first one. But I was still too enraptured to worry about a **** thing, and he still had the upper hand.
I do not know if we will get to re-do our last kiss, but god do I hope we do.
A little boy is afraid of darkness. To overcome the fear, he decides to lock himself in a room full of darkness. Everyone else will obviously think he's crazy not knowing the reason for his actions. If and when he finally decides he's not scared of the dark anymore and he's ready to go out, it'll take him a long while to adjust to the light outside of the room. Or worse, he'll decide he likes the dark better than the *light.
I wrote this a few months ago when a friend of mine needed advice. If you can relate it to any event in your life...
You're sleeping downstairs on the couch
and I'm cursing at myself at 3:23 am
promising to set an alarm every hour until ten in the morning
so I can catch you on your way out
i love you
it's okay to go against God
it's okay to go against nature
just don't go against your government
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