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872 · Apr 2016
The Toxic Celebrity Cycle
Bridget A Brock Apr 2016
You obsess over your favorite celebrity,
their perfection starts to be all you see.
You want to be them, but know you never will,
and this is when it starts to go downhill.
You listen to the magazines and all the books,
then stare in your mirror and hate your looks.
682 · Mar 2016
You Are My Anchor
Bridget A Brock Mar 2016
You make me smile almost every day,
please don't ever leave and throw it all away.
I love you so much, and you don't see,
that you have honestly changed me.
Whenever I'm upset, you make it all better,
and when I feel stressed out, you are my anchor.
You make me feel like I'm still a kid,
and when I'm around you my smile is so big.
You are so amazing, every thing about you,
You make me feel so happy too.
394 · Apr 2016
Bridget A Brock Apr 2016
I feel lost.
No matter how long I search,
I feel lost.
I've tried going to church,
I feel lost.
I never do anything right,
I feel lost.
I have trouble sleeping at night,
I feel lost.
But when I find myself with you,
I feel happy,
But you don't feel that way too.
I'm still working on this one a bit, not sure if I like the way it sounds yet.
338 · Mar 2016
To An Old Friend
Bridget A Brock Mar 2016
I used to think that you were a true friend.
You lied to me and said you'd be there till the end.
People change, but not always for the better,
We grew apart, I thought of you as my sister.
You told lies about me, things I never did say,
I was always nice to you, never mean in any way.
Why do you always have to insult me to no end?
I can't believe I actually used to call you my best friend.
299 · Mar 2016
Bridget A Brock Mar 2016
There's many people who say they love me,
but you're the only one I want to hear.
I have tried to tell you, so you'll finally see,
but when I'm with you my thoughts aren't clear.
279 · Mar 2016
Wear It
Bridget A Brock Mar 2016
No, what I said was not about you,
but when you heard it,
you thought you knew.
If it reminded you of you,
you're probably a *******.
So I mean, If the shoe fits,
Then wear it.
265 · Mar 2016
I'll Be With You
Bridget A Brock Mar 2016
Your life will never be perfect,
but I can promise it's worth it.
So many people you'll meet,
So many lives to complete.
Though you find some days rough,
and you realize you've had enough,
there's many people to help you through.
I'm by your side,
I'll be with you.

— The End —