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 Feb 2016 Brianna
W Winchester
I've never felt a body
next to mine, under mine
with different parts than mine.

I've never felt hands
around mine, beneath mine
that were bigger than mine.

I've never felt lips
that never wanted mine,
didn't seek out mine
wouldn't taste mine.

I've never slept with someone
who wasn't at least somewhat
So I ****** a guy
 Feb 2016 Brianna
Purple Rain
I've been at deaths door;
Unable to catch a breath
My heart is sore;
From now until death;
For bullet wounds have invalid my chest
©2016 Isabella Rose
 Feb 2016 Brianna
Stars 10w
 Feb 2016 Brianna
even when all stars align,
you still wouldn't be mine.
 Feb 2016 Brianna
1,095 days
 Feb 2016 Brianna
When people ask, I am just going to say, "I love you"

Because I don't know
what else to do
I can't hide it anymore.
 Feb 2016 Brianna
Like dangling from a cliff edge
Is this love?
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