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Brenda Mukisa Sep 2017
There is a relationship between the sand and the water.
Not just basic sand.
Or water poured into it.
But lake, river or sea sand.

Staying next to something or someone for a long time.
Brings unexplained attachment.
And feelings....
Beautiful connections and affection.
It happens to non humans too.

Though the sand on the shore isn't as lucky
As that at the bottom,
It still gets it turn.
On calm days...
It seats ignored..
The water pretending not to care..

But rough days come through....
When the water cant pretend no more.
And it gives in to the reality.
That just like the sand.
Its tired of being lonely...

That's when its waves visit the sand.
And sweep it to the bottom of the sea....
To live happily ever after...
Brenda Mukisa Aug 2017
Most of the times,
I felt him love me.....
I saw it in his eyes too.
And some how....
That scared me and warmed my heart.
In strange ways.
Brenda Mukisa Aug 2017
We roam when we must not.
There is a place of dissatisfaction.
Some people think it is a curse.
But is it really?

Its simple to hold onto
Its simple to let go of.
Life floats away
We often see it do so..
Its sad most of the times...

Stability is an urgent need.
Most times its what we seek.
Most times its what we don't have.
Its the uncertainty that drains us.
The fear from the unknown.
The fear of falling.
The fear of not being saved.

Every human needs saving.
Some from the external.
0thers from within.
That is the greatest fear worthy thing.
Some have a problem.
Others don't.
Most times all we need is a clear picture.
Only a few get to see it.

To see what to run to or from.
may be things are not as bad as they seem
Brenda Mukisa Aug 2017
the world comes with many rules.
it dictates  almost everything.
the way you must walk
the way you must talk.
but worst of all,
the words you must say.

why isn't it possible for people to truly accept.
for people to truly like people.
without restrictions.
or must be's.
people are always expecting you to live a certain way.
to say certain things.
to say things at a given time.

life can be exhausting.
if the world around you cannot love you for you.
people should know that its okay.
its okay to care about you first.
to worry if what you say brings you happiness.
there's no right way.

but there is peaceful sleep at night.
there's a clear conscious.
there is a happy soul.
and that is the most important thing.
so say what you want to say...... , and mean it.

there is no right way, life didn't come with rules and regulations.
Brenda Mukisa Aug 2017
Its the brevity in words
the way they are said
I've met rude people who sound gentle
And gentle people who sound rude
How do we go from here
How do we start a new
Its more complicated than it seems
Or easier than we see.

I always wondered about life
I always wondered about everything.
Nothing and everything.
There are empty feelings in all.
Some scream them, others don't.
Pretending things don't exist never made them go away.
But still some people choose it.

Lets run away.
Lets make a story.
A story we would love.
A story others can fall in love with too.
Lets be proud of beggings.
Lets hold onto them to the end.
I'm proud of life......
I will hold onto it forever.
Brenda Mukisa Aug 2017
When your the only dark skinned person in your house.
Its hard for others to see that its okay.
That its beautiful as well.
Its weird how people attach beauty to color.
Light skinned this, lighter skin that.
They make it the must be.

Not that it isn't beautiful.
But we have got to look at darker different.
Dark can be beautiful.
Darker even more beautiful.
I've seen beauty in all colors.
Like in all shapes.

You walk down the street over the weekend.
You fall in love with Africa.
All you will see is beautiful women.
Different heights, different shapes...
Handsome men...they come in all sizes and shades.
Its like a painting.
The kind you could look at forever.
And never tire from.

When I was a child.
I always said I wanted to get away.
But mum always said that one day I'll fall in love with here.
Now I know,now I've felt the pride.
And happiness that comes with here.

I look into the mirror each day.
And feel proud and happy.
Growing up my mother said thank-you.
With a smile.
Every time they said I looked like her.
Now I see why in the mirror.
I'd be proud if my daughter looked like me.
Me and my black skin.
My beautiful black skin.
Brenda Mukisa Aug 2017
In a culture where reading is corny
Writing is even worse.
How do you explain child hood.
If all you had was a stuck of magazines.
Dreams dreamt.
At so tender an age.
Vision built.
Life looked at at a different perspective.
A beautiful perspective.

How do you explain.
That childhood can be books and stories.
How do you explain that its okay.
To not play in the hot afternoon sun.
To not mingle with the neighbourhood kids.
Because Beckham looks better on that magazine cover.
And you prefer to understand every bit of his wedding.

Is it wrong to grow up so fast.
Is it wrong to know about the world at 4.
And explain it better than the teacher...
Because you've read the story over and over...
Is it wrong to try to understand.
Actual things apart from dodge ball and running.

Maybe knowing is the greatest strength.
A gift open to readers.
Whereas others were born to live.
Others were born to do much more.
To spell life out.
To record moments.
To write down history.
And to proudly read it out......
To remind the world of a beauty they are too busy to record.
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