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 Jul 2015 Breezy Willow
Love at first sight? No son, your vision's blurry,
What's encapsulating your feelings is lust
Powerful, but short-lived
Pleasurable through every taste
But after each taste, that void to quench your thirst will remain
If love is a force, lust must be an energy,
Here for the moment, but we don't know how long it will last.
I write poetry,
Not too sure I can recite it,
I simply write out my soul,
My feelings,my beliefs..
Perhaps even things I'm too shy to mention,
Its my way of expressing it all,
My way of telling someone what he or she needs to hear,
Maybe because I don't have that much courage to say it directly to individuals,
But at the end of it all,
I just wish to inspire before I expire from the existence of my earthly empire.
It is dark and gloomy day
The wind blows away the fallen leaf
Water droplets descends from the sky above
Why does this droplets called the ' Rain ' ?
The hows and whys are endless for the mankind

Does the cloud's sweating up there
Because the sunlight they endured so much ?

It's the Goddess above
She CRIED because of the mankind's sinful lust
Yes , the droplets you hate so much...
The droplets that you consider an agony
It's the tears of the goddess..
The only game losers
Are good at,
Don't put yourself in that place,
Take responsibility and work things out,
Blaming others only wastes time and energy.
Beauty is real when it starts with your mind,
Set your mind to accept what you see in the mirror,
To love and to embrace it,
Its you,
Its the only place in which you live,
Clean it up,
Take good care of it
Love it.
Everyday is a constant battle between me and my mind
And i don't know what it will take to free me from this never ending ache
Because i don't have much time left on my plate, there's always something to do, something to be said.
It leaves me wanting nothing more than to just be dead
I just want to sleep for a thousand years, maybe then when i wake up i wont be covered in tears.
Maybe then i will be happy, content with my life.
But until that day comes, im just striving to get by
 Jul 2015 Breezy Willow
O God
I've been handicapped
By laziness
They said it's the devil
And I said
No, it's just me
 Jul 2015 Breezy Willow
Why do they fight
I know some
Do it for money
Some for love
And others for their God
But I wonder which
Excuse is best.
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