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Feeling the chaos all around,
it suffocates me,
I am scared,
needing my own sanctuary.

A familiar touch,
a comforting voice,
Whispering in my ear,
"It will be alright, I am here, where I will stay,"
suddenly the heaviness would melt away.

Wrap me in a sweet stare,
how it would soothe the heart,
ease the mind,
Just to feel that kind of care,
Kind of care,
just  for me.
©cmg 05/14/2011
 Jul 2015 Breezy Willow
Reyna N
Still finding myself. This **** is hell.
Looking for silent peace
Looking for something more
Have you ever had such a dark soul?
The kind that even monks can't ignore.
Looking for that silent peace
Where my mind is relaxed and your name doesn't appear
Looking for tranquility near the water where my tears can flow and connect to the sea
I'm still finding myself. With every breath, with every break I'm still trying to find me.
In reality
I could not
keep him,
so instead
I wrote him
into every line
and weaved him
into every story
so that
he and I
could live

— The End —