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 Jun 2015 jvk
 Jun 2015 jvk
The candle


aware of


 Jun 2015 jvk
Stu Harley
i think  of you
each and every day
all the things
that we do
i will
be here
to care for you
moment by moment
holding on to you
love comes this way
 Jun 2015 jvk
Poetic T
"Slip it in, go on I can take it,*
"Slowly eager ******,

"She groans as a mixture of euphoria and pain,

"Do you want it to the hilt?
"Can you take that much in one go,

"Just push it in slow,
"I can take it I think,

"I ****** it in her, she bleeds a little,
"Who is more excited?
"I pull it out slowly,

"Arrr baby that feels good,
"That was deeper then before,

"When can I stick in you,

"We never said we would do that,

"Are you scared,


"I'll only do it once,


"She gets ready,
"I can see the excitement on her face,

"Now don't be a chicken,
"Bgirrk bruk bruk bruk,

"Just get it over,
"But not to the hilt,
"I mean it,
"I think your enjoying this a little to much,


"Don't be a baby that was barely the tip,
"God is the buzz you felt,

"It hurts, I think I'm going to be sick,
"O' my god,
"What are you doing,
Only once....
Only onc

She smiles as he turns silent,
Cherry red seeped out, and he lay slumped
On the ground, lifeless stained,
What had started as curiosity, as twisted trusting fun.
She had done her first, the one she loved.
Now the next would be just a lunge in the ,
Draining upon different floors. she had put
It in once and was addicted at the felling
Of putting it in,
Deeper the better not just the tip but to the hilt.
 Jun 2015 jvk
Sam Temple
waves of heat rise
distorting the land beyond
no movement, but buzzing flies
hard, dry straw was once a lawn –
cotton blend, stained and soaked
sticks to a sweaty back
nothing satisfies, leastly a Coke
old man neighbor suffered a heart attack –
oppressor sun, beating down
scorching all of my green land
pooling excretion, enough in which to drown
puddles in the palm of my hand –
small children hide indoors
not willing to risk Summer fun
unable to find street-walking ******
as we all cook in the unrelenting sun –
forecast gives no peace or quarter
instead condemns us to another night of no sleep
saw someone fry an egg on construction mortar
and make cookies on the dashboard of a Jeep –
it is simply not the norm
to crest 100 degrees in the Oregon, June
why, even the sprinkler  failed to preform
cooler weather cannot come to soon –
 Jun 2015 jvk
 Jun 2015 jvk
Your twilight moons
white irises, that flicker
within the nights confines
clasp at the velvet darkness
pulling the stars into orbit
obtaining galaxies of their own
feeding a universal luster
eclipsing at the sight of dawn
 Jun 2015 jvk
 Jun 2015 jvk
to become whole
i must become

to live in purity
i must cleanse my soul
of suffocating thoughts
   to be swept away
and replaced with
        the truth
           of heart gripping love

the love that surrounds me
has been suppressed
i will allow it
a voice
so it can sing to me
a song of beauty
           and peace
while offering me a chance
               at pure happiness.
 Jun 2015 jvk
Astrid Ember
We will leave you in the midst
of a poetic truce, as you spill
experiences into our open palms.

Writing to make sense of what
has happened, nestling your
deepest secrets in our fingertips.

Our roots so deep in our poetry,
if you tried to unearth us, we would
shriek louder than banshee's.

Unravel our words, enter the
labyrinth of our minds, there are
sunsets in our stomachs, and
December runs through our veins.

We are the stars to your blank skies,
the pause between each ragged breath,
the tragedy suffocating the air.

We are the pause before the applause.
We are rarity's like Haley's comet
making you scramble for a telescope.

Only crows writhing with broken
necks are more twisted than the life
stories resting under our tongues.

We are poets, engraved in history,
fluent in all that is artistic and worldly.

Poetry a warm blanket we remain
hidden in on a cold winter morning.
Reality is a cold floor that our
bare feet are too scared to touch.

*By JannaLee Perry and Rapunzel
Collab with a beautiful woman.
She's an amazing poet, and a very light hearted soul.
Here's her page:
 Jun 2015 jvk
In the field of blue
They shine bright
Brighter than angles
And sweeter than cuddles
But something is happening
Shrinking, Falling, and Dying
Into the abyss below
Like a symbol of hope
Yet nobody
Cares for these innocent
Some species of star fish are going extinct. Save the STARFISH!
 Jun 2015 jvk
Louden Holler
I thought I was flying in slim and sure
Coasting on air,
Sliding upwind smooth like a float plane,
Touching down on a lake of glass.
You saw disaster coming
And set the world on fire.
You were right.
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