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Invocation Apr 2015
Half-lidded eyes gaze
into blue light from
screen as upper legs
clasp together involuntarily,
chest still heaving randomly
with gasps or sighs as comfort
and relaxation wash through
tense, electrically charged muscles

static cling from sleeves' struggle
with woolen blanket, inner
thighs' heat spreading to
surface from friction and
folly and fumbling and my lip is sore from my teeth
because when my whole body climbs into divinity
I feel no pain

my stomach aches suddenly
for filling, but the rest of my
body quiets the noisiest of us
since we're so cozy in our
splendid vibrance, muted
as the world seems after
gongs and cymbals clash like
titans in my heartbox and veins
tremble and thrum and throb
in the pleasant-est of places

I am suddenly again climbing
that mountain, white and gold
heat like sunshine and water
became one element and they
pour through my skin into my porous bones
as I drink

Mouth, don't leak these secret passions!
I shudder to myself and I think of this energy
as life embodied in one small window, have I glimpsed heaven?
I am in that divine place, and someone else is in their divine self as well. I'm sure of this.
When we are both in those places, we are one.
Invocation Mar 2015
I can do anything.
With this brain I ponder fragile realities and valuable truths.
In my heart I hold tender memories of songs and touch and visuals that only I can experience.
With my hands I've spawned magic.
With my voice I am song and laughter.
My senses allow me to sample the world around me and record and passionately enjoy everything that passes through my sphere of existence.
I am miraculous.
I am scientifically astounding.
I am one who heals with words and pictures and sounds.
I am one who loves deeply and craves life like oxygen.
My life that I lay behind me like dried flowers decorates my footprints like mosaic memories.
The life I see ahead of me is like a prism - indirectly fractally rainbows and while uncertain, wonderful.
What is this I hold in my hands?
I am breathing in this moment and I am divinely amazingly happy just to exist.
With that alone I am satisfied.
I can do anything.
I am suddenly new
Invocation Mar 2015
The everything that I am
has a special space reserved for the happiest moments
When I am in that space, being happy, being myself - and
When you are in your space, being happy, being free, being beautiful

My inner creative spark finds yours
We can create such beautiful things, you and I
When we are both within ourselves and eachother
We are one
We are happy
We are free
We are divine

Truest meanings aren't found on google
Write your own definition of love and peace and hope
Invocation Feb 2015
Feet don't fail me now
Just pick up and turn around
putting pressure against the ground
twist torso with all of focused might
heart hammer against bones
Breathing back and forth, ragged
gasping and I feel stronger
when I put the pressure to the ground
shove the earth away
I'm pushing down
I'm thrusting my body
pounding the ground now; time has quickened and everything clarifies
I don't dare turn; I know you're still there; I'm aware of your presence
You are heat burning my skin when you draw near
You are chills that run thin metal fingers along my spine
You are flutters of passion that grab my wrists and pin me
You are the nicest person I've ever met
Your generosity is killing me
So I run
I'm a wild fox, how I do?
Invocation Feb 2015
******* lips and steal my breath
gasping, back arching
I'm not allowed to mark you with my teeth
or nails
but I'll find other ways
of leaving a print

I filled my mouth with honey
Don't you want a taste?
Don't you
Forget about me
Invocation Feb 2015
It's so far away now, after a day like today.
This happened before, and I've not learned to remedy
Lying in wait for daybreak to come late so I break and I
fall into sheets for another moment in time
hours upon hours I'll spend in the far reaches
Will you find me there?

Can we sleep?
I want to end the day
I want to close my eyes
I want to fade away
I want you to come with me
Can we sleep?

You're talking of something, I'm sure it's intruiguing
My clothes are drying, I'm sure there's a better way
My room smells of vinegar and vanilla, believe me
I don't like this distance either, but it could change soon
I know you dread them, but I dread them for purpose
I'd love to touch your hair

Can we sleep?
I want to feel some silence
I want to close my eylids
and see what's behind them
even if darkness
Can we sleep?

I'll be the house maid if you get me drunk
We can play games
We can sleep
Steers and queers <3
Invocation Feb 2015
How condemning,
To tell someone it's going to be alright in the end
How misleading,
To bear this ruse: that a smile is more powerful than a tear
How can you?
How can you lie to yourself and the youngest of us?
Love, ***, beauty, longevity, appeal, wealth.
Feed them a reason to be beautiful and happy and free.

I don't need a reason to be dark and brooding and terrible.
This is how I breathe:
Jagged, gasping, breath catching on a sob
This is how I cope:
Angry outbursts latching wildfire arms into song
This is how I am strong:
I cried myself to sleep last night.
I awoke with clarity.

How can you better a situation?
Leave it.
Inspired by both my turmoil and by  Sverre:
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