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 Aug 2020 BB Ward
m a r t y r
 Aug 2020 BB Ward
your voice is slowly fading
your words too far
to remember clearly
but the discussion between
your fingertips
and my skin,
still blazes wildly
keeping me up at night
like a moth to a flame.
- for my love for you.
 Aug 2020 BB Ward
 Aug 2020 BB Ward
Sometimes I forget who I am
And then I cry
Because I never remember
 Aug 2020 BB Ward
i drew a flower today
and the longer i stared
the more it wilted
into individual penmarks
ugly and random
like stains on a white shirt
unphased by the wash

i looked in the mirror today
and the longer i stared
the more i noticed
the slant of my nose
the scars on my cheek
ugly and random
like stains on a mattress
unphased by the eyes of another
he still loved the picture
 Aug 2020 BB Ward
I want to beat my mind
Whenever I feel scared
I want to beat my mind
Whenever I feel sad
I want to beat my mind
Whenever I feel angry
I want to beat my mind
Whenever I feel stuck

I want to drag myself over the trenches
I want to push myself through the rain
I want to force my eyes upon the good things in life
I want to fly myself to the future

This is what's keeping me back. Me.
And I intend to change that,
one change at a time.

I want to beat my own mind.
emotions are amazing, but I've came to accept that often I let them hold me back.

no more.
 Aug 2020 BB Ward
 Aug 2020 BB Ward
I’m tired
I’m tired of you
I’m tired of me
I’m tired of waking up every day, of this persistent exhaustion that never leaves
I’m tired of telling you I’m simply tired when what I really mean is that I’m tired of being alive.
Tired of living in this foreign body in this broken world
But you wouldn’t understand
So I’ll just say I’m tired
 Aug 2020 BB Ward
The poetry isn’t in all these words —
It’s in knowing I survived them.
Holy smokes! Thank you everyone for all of the support! I don’t come here too often so I did not expect this; what a beautiful surprise ♥️
 Aug 2020 BB Ward
 Aug 2020 BB Ward
Unfinished notes,
Unheeded lessons,
Distracted mind,
Stolen glances,
Fantasies in the day,
Dreams at night,
Chasing a lost cause,
Two years later,
I’m still only two benches away from you,
Yet you are a thousand miles away.

— The End —