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lexis Feb 2023
did I speak too softly?
did I laugh too deeply?
breathe too loudly?

were you too cold - the way that I was too cold? were you searching for warmth in my ribcage? I’m covered in frostbite.
I can’t stop shivering.

is my hair too long? did you wrap it around your fingers too tightly? It must’ve hurt. my shirt is tinged in red, the stains won’t wash out.
I can’t look at myself.

were my hands too soft pushing you away? I must’ve forgot to tell you that I’m not very strong. I guess you wanted to figure it out for yourself.  
I can’t stop ripping the skin off my bones.

did you look too far into my eyes and drown?  were you suffocating enough to forget who I was? is my fear that forgettable? could you not breathe after extinguishing the fire i built to warm myself?
smoke inhalation can be deadly. -

while you survived, I’m still in a coma.
I want to disappear.

“I fell in love with you while you were terrified”
lexis Feb 2023
do you think about dying? not the “I’m so tired of living” thoughts but the intrusive thoughts you get after a ****** or while dozing off into sleep; unwelcome scenarios of how life would be without you. flashing images of your son growing up without you; images of all the things you cherish not lying around your room because the room you’re in now doesn’t exist anymore. do you see yourself hovering above the ones you love or would you rather not see the world go on without you? is it regret? is it sadness? jealousy? do you forget for a moment that you’re still breathing?
lexis Jul 2021
you’re magnificent and I’m a ******* with no understanding of how this world works - I’ll smoke a cigarette, maybe the smoke will make my lungs feel the way you once made my heart feel and this emptiness will drift out with what I’ve filled myself up with, maybe I’ll blow it in your face the way the world blew up in mine. hopefully it’ll take your breathe away till you suffocate.
suffocating doesn’t seem too bad when you’ve been dead your whole life but you don’t know how that feels, do you? lucky little boy with a lucky little life filled with everything you could ask for but nothing is ever good enough for a narcissist with a mind that fights you till you fight someone else. How foolish of me, I called that love. The bruises looked so beautiful to me, it made the suffocation feel like home -
My therapist said that I find home in every depreciating joke, every boy that hurts me, every drug that makes me fly. He told me that I’ve lost myself because my love isn’t alive. It’s buried in between my thighs.
lexis Apr 2021
I get paranoid after throwing up my fears the night before, intoxication comes easy when you’re lost in the worries of not being enough. The whispering from my nightmares become real, their faces distort in disgust when they look at me and the weight of terror eats me alive.
lexis Apr 2020
before the darkness, when I was 5, my mother would **** me to sleep with her sullen lullabies. they were always about a woman who had nothing but self-hatred. her words were as haunting as my father seems to be and he’s been gone for 12 years. the woman my mother would softly sing about was this Demon she befriended at 16, named ****. **** was nice to her for awhile, maybe even a saving grace until she stole the happiness from her and dyed her life the dullest color. i figured it was a somber lullaby with a stronger meaning that no one but her could understand. ive had enough running into offices that smell like spoiled milk and blood. “It won’t **** you like you think it will”, mom always told me. she says this while looking at the decorations covering half her body along with my ****** hands, knees and bruised lips. your friend **** has a way of picking fights with you; making the walls at 3am rock like we’re on a boat during a storm, you’re trying to get saved by screaming their names while I’m laying here trying not to get sea sick from your abandonment. all I can hear now are your heartless moans of forever
I wrote this at 17. It’s old
lexis Apr 2020
the angels are screaming in my ears. They’re warning me that there’s a forest fire roaring inside of me; the sweet alyssum that bloomed from the decaying memories I buried deep in my bones have burned into ash, revealing a fragile foundation that was created by scarred flesh and empty promises. I’m a pyre wrapped in a fiery rage that’s devouring my heart, igniting my lungs; inhaling the stench of smoldering melancholy, exhaling pain that resembles smoke from my cigarettes. I’m choking on my own corruption. My blood has turned into embers, keeping this fire growing louder.. a reminder that my misery will never be heard. my feet have become roots, digging into the earth that’s swallowing me like a decomposing animal; yet i will never be home, ill always be lost
home has never existed for me. i have a lot of thoughts I can’t get out, sorry if this is bad and doesn’t make sense. I never seem to make sense anymore
lexis Apr 2020
you looked into my eyes which always seemed to remind you of the ocean. you said your dad never told you that you may drown while admiring the waves, your smile said not being able to breathe would be worth it. I thought about how you’re like the ocean breeze, giving breath to tired lungs. you swirl the sea, placing troubled minds at ease. you built sandcastles with your voice which I began to call home but it’s quiet now, all I can hear is a tsunami and I can’t seem to catch my breath
everything is about you now
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