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 Apr 2014 Azurra Grace
i am crying again,
because of him,
because he looks so
perfect in every picture he
takes and in every sunlight
that shines over him.
i am crying again,
because i know he will
never be mine,
and i want him so badly.
i am crying again,
because i promised myself
that i will not fall for him
again. i guess,
i broke my promise.
i am crying again,
because it takes every cell
and fiber in my body,
not to go to the ***** bathroom,
cry it all out and make new scars,
because i am going to the doctor's
in the morning,
and i cannot afford my mom‘s
stupid lectures.
i am crying again,
because i love him too much,
and because i know he will
find the perfect girl someday,
but she won't ever love him
the way that i do.
i am crying again,
because i will never be
yours, g.
and i want to,
so much.
i am crying again,
laying in bed,
looking at your pictures
in my phone,
and i am crying again,
because i will never
feel your lips on mine,
I don't know what I liked better,
About the days of summer past.
When I am old and memories fail,
My summer memories will last.

I don't know what I liked better,
Her golden hair or golden wheat.
The wind would play with them both,
Sending shivers from head to feet.

I watched them both for hours on end,
Falling in love just a little more.
The open spaces and her freedom then,
Feelings that I know will endure.

I don't know which I liked better,
The forest or her laughter.
The way we would run through barefoot,
Her giddiness driving me faster.

We wore paths into that forest,
I think we climbed most every tree.
Through the branches tickling each other,
She was all that I could see.

I don't know which I liked better,
Wildflowers or the look in her eyes.
As she lay there in the sea of white,
Staring up into bluest skies.

The petals would fall into her hair,
Granting glory to them both.
She named the shapes of every cloud,
Weaving stories as she spoke.

I don't know which I liked better,
The cold creek or her warm bare skin.
I remember how both felt sublime,
When she called me to jump in.

The tingle of the little fish,
Or the sight of her standing free.
Electrifying my entire body,
When she swam over to me.

I don't know which I liked better,
The wild blackberries or her lips.
Both so sweet and so tender,
A taste I truly miss.

The way we forged through those brambles,
To find them growing wild and free.
The same way she seemed to find,
Something wild inside of me.

I don't know which I liked better,
Her warmth or the hay in the loft.
In the barn on freshest straw,
No other place feels as soft.

I loved how she would toss her head,
And the straw would tumble out.
Then she would jump into a new stack,
Leaping free of any doubt.

I don't know which I liked better,
The sound of night or her gentle breathing.
The owls and frogs would sound their songs,
To the tune of her nighttime dreaming.

I would lie awake just to listen,
Aware of every single tiny sound.
Her breath against my neck,
As each new moon was crowned.

I don't know which I liked better,
Watcher her or watching the stars.
They both seemed so bright and full,
That summer, neither was far.

She would **** in her breath,
When a streak would appear across the sky.
She would tell me to make a wish,
I'd wish the summer to never die.

I don't know what I liked better,
About the days of summer past.
The happiest days of my entire life,
The memories that I know will last.
Dreams that seem so real to me somehow seem more than dreams.
my darling
I want you to know that
had you offered me any kisses
no matter how tentative
I would have accepted them
in an instant
and cradled them
in my shaky palms
 Sep 2013 Azurra Grace
Sub Rosa
Leave your concious mind
into vivid dreams
fall into the sheets
to watch stars capsize
beneath a distant horizon.
Cling to their brilliance
swing from their beams above the fields
call farewell to the
who shoved you too far
Whisper into the vacant spaces
words of reassurance
tell yourself
'it's okay to follow the light'
an escape
beyond the reaches of your lifetime
into the heavy darkness.
let the stars lead you
so readily
So forlorn
is the echo
of your final goodbye.
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