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 Sep 2014 Awkward
hell never looked so heavenly a place,
at 3am
where sleep is nowhere to be found
I can't close my eyes,
without seeing your face
 Jul 2014 Awkward
Stay away
 Jul 2014 Awkward
Stay away
It feels like yesterday
Lies are all I say

You were heart broke
I was heartless
You thought you might choke
I thought far less

Incase you were wondering
Or maybe still caring
My heart never came
I have you to blame

I can't love
By the Lord above

You now have 2.0
I would know

Is easy to be better
Then a creature from a gutter
So please let your heart flutter
And find your souls other

It's too late for me
I'm a romance tragedy
So just let me be
Be a nobody
To the girl who's heart I broke

— The End —