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 May 2016 Terrence Reyes
 May 2016 Terrence Reyes
She said
she wanted to be a work of art,
so she painted on her skin with a blade.
Red was always her favorite color.
She's dead, only alive in my head.
And she only visits me in my sleep,
as the most beautiful work of art.
I can never expect
For you to come back and beg for what you threw away
I can only try to ignore
The magnetic pull that drags me to you
I thought I would never find anyone
Life was meant to be lived alone
No one could possibly come for me
But then you did
A message I sent, waiting
Grasping at a ghost of a hope
She probably won’t even reply
Then you did
I sent an apology
I’ve done something wrong
I’ll never get her to come back
But then you did
A spaceman with a lasso joke
Finals kicking time under a mat
Surely you’d never give me your number
Then you did
Talking for hours
Conversations never ending
I thought no one would go for a dork like me
But then you did
Wasn’t long before the calls weren’t enough
We needed to see faces
I wondered if you would really Skype me
Then you did
The very first thing I noticed were your eyes
They struck me like lightning
I never wanted you to look away
But then you did
You hid your face to smile
You hid your face to laugh
But your happiness sang to my soul
I wanted us to Skype again
Then we did
Every time I saw you
I could never find a flaw
Your perfection was astounding
Surely you had nothing to hide
But you said you did
What you didn’t know in your confession
Is you had given me a life’s mission
To make you see the perfection I saw
So I can say
“Then you did”
Because from the first time I met you
And every moment thereafter
I didn’t think you could get any more perfect
Then you did
For my angel
She is my wave,
I am her shore

 Apr 2016 Terrence Reyes
JR Potts
The coffee had settled to a temperature few could drink with any pleasure. The cursor impatiently blinked against the empty word document as he sat defeated by the previous one hundred attempts to write a single sentence.  He could not be a writer, he thought, writers do not spend hours in front of blank screens, staring blankly and drawing blanks. They are full of original stories which overflow from the gray matter of their brains, spilling out from the tips of their fingers as they beat atop plastic keys like Mozart realizing symphonies as he glide across the ivory teeth of a fortepiano. He was right; he was no writer, not yet. In this instance of doubt like Schrödinger’s cat, both men, the writer and the not-writer inhabited the same chair, the same space in time waiting to be woke by a single decision. If he decided he was not a writer than all potential realities collapse into one and the writer dies in that chair. I'm no Edward Lorenz and I don't know much about butterfly effects but what if this is one of those microscopic events that changes the initial conditions and forever alters the data set? What if a masterpiece is lost on a whim? I so badly want to communicate all of this to him but I can't, because I am remembering a distant memory of the moment I lost the man I was suppose to be.
A twinkle in your eye
like a star in the sky
A breathe held
My heart swelled
For you are so beautiful
And a voice so musical
Looks so stunning
pulse is running
To never hear your crying
To never see you stop smiling
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