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Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
We all went back to sleep to finish a dream,
To be something,
To hold what we always touched and missed,
To exist
We see ourselves in the movies
We are heroes wanting to fly back in time to make things right,
To stop Nazis,
To turn off the radio and unite Hutus and Tutsis,
To show Kount the diabolic sign above his Christ,
We want to tell Bathory that pictures don't age
To tell Elizabeth that she will destroy herself in rage
We want to sacrifice ourselves for history to make this world smile
We love and hate Solomon at the same time
We want Jihad to go back to America
We are Ches screaming to the world that arms and ammunition factories need wars
We are Mohammads trying to restore the peace
And we all want the World Bank to set us free
How are we different?

If I dieth in the fire
Tuck me in Corinthian attire;

If mine lung's, shalt faileth and succumb
To the pitch black dusk, wherein their is no sun.


If mine eye's rolleth back
Put oriental pennies on them, to floateth down thy river.

If mine brawn doth frail
Be sure to giveth away mine treasure's.

Giveth charity to the poor man
Underneath I/75 bridge.

Mine spirit shalt be watching over thee
And ourn abode of bliss.


Just in case the morn doth not make it
I just wanted to telleth thee, thou art mine queen, and mine basis.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane dedication
Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
This is for a friend whose Facebook status on the day after the sickest **** case in Delhi 2012 was,
"thank god I'm ugly,
No boy wants to be seen with me,
Men look through me,
I'm invisible,
There's nothing appealing about my body but I'm happy,
I'm not beautiful so thank you god for the freedom you have bestowed upon me,
7 LIKES, 2 shares and 4 comments
Her father: my daughter is the prettiest
Her brother: there's no-one prettier than my princess
Me: its not about the face my friend, animals don't know the difference, we live in the world where even goats and pigs serve as *** slaves + sperms don't seek paradise
She: read between the lines

This is for the high school hotties and plastic beauties who are miles away from the reality,
This is for the teenage wankers and middle aged ****** whose definition of beauty is ****
This is for the poets who use pulchritudinous for a woman's body and immaculate for her skin
This is for the ad agencies who try to convince us that being not fair is being ugly
This is for the authors of bed time stories where ugly characters don't get a kiss from the prince charming
This is for the walking x-ray machines who don't know my friend but know what the size of her ******* is

This is for Facebook cuties and instagram ducklings tormenting my friend with their selfies
This is for the movie industries that keep telling my friend that she'll remain a sidekick
This is for the daily soaps selling stories of moms who do not exist
This is for the celebrities,
Lost in the labyrinth of self obsession
Who cannot face themselves without their masks on
They will never find their way out of it

This is for the bullies who never spared her a peaceful stroll
This is for the organizers of the beauty pageant never held for the soul

My friend was lost in the immense chasm of despair
Scars on her wrists screamed how much she hated herself
Bloodshot eyes sang tales of her sleepless nights
But, she gave birth to her new self everytime she failed to die
Like, three failed suicide attempts made her fall in love with herself
These days, she holds her breath for seconds just to make herself believe that her life is not worthless

This is for the world holding onto fleeting beauty and letting go of everything worth grasping
MY Friend Is Beautiful
Her beauty does not give pleasure to your senses
Nothing pulchritudinous and not immaculate
Its something intangible, something only visible to a good soul- something that will never fade- something real
My friend is beautiful
my friend took birth from the womb of my mind and has not walked this earth yet but, she's someone i look for in everyone i meet
Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
I looked into her eyes and Bhaktapur stood still,
Speak up said the voice from the inside,
'hold it right there'- said my mind
Words came to my throat and my tongue froze
I needed to throw it all out
"coward"- the word echoed around my ears, daunting the already dumbstruck I,
"I love you"- the words finally broke the gates of silence but she had moved on
Treading aimlessly on the streets, switching lanes and running in circles again
Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
I asked the sun to cast his light,
Only then will she open her eyes,
Cocooned in her blanket sleeps my butterfly

The sun said," I do not want to burn the dream off her eyes,
Let her wake up first and only then will I rise"
  Aug 2015 Atript Abhinav
Anoushka B
You were the forests
birds fled through your *******

you enclose oceans
the earth
the skies

i was just an acetic star
shards of light fled me as i burned
as they disgraced my body

not even the scintillations could linger my soul

i was contained within you
i was only a wave in your vast ocean

i was only a splinter in the earth

only a scintilla in your vast skies

Now Im pushing up daisies in the same wind

Buried beneath the hurricanes
which i would once call gusts

tornadoes which i used to breathe in
now rise from me
as i lay dying
my baby left me and all i could make of it at 2 am was poetry
Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
"where do you come from?"
Asked the weaver
"why ?" I asked
"never answer a question with a question o friend in the veil of a stranger", said the weaver
"I come from the land of gods"- I said
The weaver laughed
"you and I come from the same place then, I wonder how we have never met, you and I have walked the same streets, drank from the same springs, almost came across and always missed and maybe there is as much god in me"- said the weaver with a smile on his face
You wound lies in your spool my friend, for I had lied- I said
The weaver smiled
"shameless" I said
You get lies when you lie- said the weaver and walked away
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