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Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
Play me a love song that hurts the least,
And dear schools of faith, lie to me
Tell me that this world will take one quick turn and she will return
Bring me god because everytime I close my eyes I float back to the park-bench that still fits us perfectly,
I feel the cold we once touched and missed
And I float back to the garden from where we watched this earth hide in grey
There's as much love in the air and the music it plays around my ears makes me wanna forget all that remained and keep floating
And In my dreams I wake up next to her,
I look at her curls and beg those shells to flaunt their pearls and I swim closer
So, don't tell me there's more to life than this
Hit me with one sweet lie
Tell me that you can see her coming
Like a boomerang she will come back to me
And please don't ask me to stop floating
Because everytime I tried to move on, death smiled
Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
Do not call me when I am drunk
Words of love may reach your ears but do not blush because you are not who they are for,
Do not come to me when I am drunk,
Hand in hand we may dance, I may pull you closer and feel her,
Thorns and flowers appear the same to me when I am drunk
The ****** may hurt but let it
the rose is worth all the pain that this world has to offer
Do not follow me when I walk away
the footsteps I will leave behind will only lead to sleepless nights,
I will stagger through aisles, through dark alleys and reach the highway where it all ended
My world darkened as her blood ran black, as her ashes drifted and vanished in the river under the cruel winter sun
How many beloveds have you devoured?- I asked the highway
Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
Its a drunk dial and i didn't mean to call,
Stand by the window like nothing's changed at all,
Say hello and freeze the time,
Kiss the phone, blow my mind,
Remove those curtains,
look into my eyes,
Fake a smile and bless this night,
I'm a hopeless lover,
You're the drowning sun,
You'll shine tomorrow
But, I'll be gone
Its gonna take god and a lie to save me now,
Its gonna take you and your love to stop me now
Call me in,
Hug me tight,
Take me high
Just tonight
You're the tired savior
I'm a dying bird,
You'll rise tomorrow
But I'll be gone
Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
I see millions of fingers curled up as fists protesting death everyday but, believe me friend, my hands will be one in very few biding farewell to life
Because every breath that I take, takes me a step closer to death,
Every breath that i hold makes me feel like a fool refusing to believe that it will come to me someday,
Life is a garden where death blooms
So don't tell me not to drink, jump and smoke because I don't want to die wanting to live more,
Its not because I am not happy
I just don't want death to surprise me,
I wanna see it coming
And live
I wanna run through narrow lanes, through alleys, through staircases leading both ways and through highways
I wanna swing through ups and downs, twist and shout, stumble and stay to redeem the imbalance and run again
I wanna live as long as I am alive because deathbed is a bed of regrets but believe me friend, I will be smiling
I have befriended hundreds and hurt none,
I have grown up right from the spot I was wrong,
I have loved and been loved by some
So I will remain, as memories and stories for generations to come
And be remembered as the man who never died
Because every time I question life, life hits me with another question just to teach me that life is just for living
Live until you die
Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
There's nothing new i see,
Same old you and same old me
Orchids don't weigh the branches down,
I'm trying to find love so take a walk around
Get into this,
Breathe in the infinite,
Close your eyes and whistle your pain out,
Roll your sleeves up and twist and shout,
Drown into this ecstasy,
Listen to what the world is singing
It does not sing what you wish it did
Collect words from everything around you and dive into the melody
Dance in the rhythm of your heartbeat
And let the world know how you feel
This space is not nothing
For every move that you make, shakes my world
Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
Do not worry,
This experiment won't take long,
We will come back to where we belong,
To the high we call sanity
He said it was the fruit of knowledge that gave us mortality
Thin man, grey beard
It was the truth that he feared
It was written in his eyes, Bold and CLEAR
He said god gave us love just to teach us what pain is
But,do you know what hate is?
She looked into my eyes and looked through
Like she knows me but, does not want to
And its true
She's closed the window from where I once flew
Or that's what she has made me believe,
He said,"you are what you believe you are"
But do you know how far is too far?
I can see the stars, the sun and the moon,
The hills decked with clouds,
The mountains draped in white,
He said gods don't play dice
So I asked them to apologize for the poems that my pen cries
Let us mourn for the love that once was,
The music that this world once played for us
We were like the two ends of the same rainbow
Miles away but one
'we', once meant she and I
Now the word hurts
I can see us in the clouds drifting apart,
The rivers lost in the oceans,
The mountains flushed down,
And in the tears that could once melt hearts
She wants a world where I don't exist
So I pushed a knife inside her heart to set her free
And he laughed

— The End —