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 Aug 2020 Ashyraroy
The sadness
Was a black pool
Of a haunting tragedy.

The sadness
Is a suicide
Of a lonely man.

The sadness
Is the gripping of bed sheets
And the clenching of teeth through crying eyes.

The sadness
Are the lonely nights alone
And the agony of vulnerability.

The sadness
Is a contagious disease
A promise of eternal melancholy.

The sadness
Are the sleepless nights
Of empty wishing on dead stars

The sadness
It was an overwhelming emotion
Like a cannibal
Tearing my flesh off my bones
A delicacy of the highest honor.

The sadness
Was a jump from a skyscraper
A slit on the wrist
An overdose off pills.

A merciless dance of death.
 Aug 2020 Ashyraroy
My sadness gets up at 2:00 am
Then again at 4:00
And 5:30
And 6:45
Then 7:00am

After the snooze alarm goes off
My sadness wears concealer and mascara to make it
feel awake
and pretty

My sadness hides behind a joke, a smile, a laugh
My sadness is scared of my happiness, who
Stops by once in a while
but just for a quick hello

My sadness doesn’t show through the way
I pull myself together in the morning like nothing is wrong
Or when people ask “how are you?” And replies “I’m good!”
People don’t see my sadness in the stories I tell,
the schoolwork I do, the advice I give them for their problems

My sadness doesn’t show up like other’s sadness
It doesn’t hold its head down in the hallway,
or sleep in until 12, it doesn’t go days without eating,
and it doesn’t try to keep happiness in a locked door


My sadness only shows through the poetry I write
The music behind my earbuds
The short stream of tears when the doors are
closed and the windows are open hoping that just one
small bit of happiness will come inside and stay for longer
than a joke, a laugh, a smile.

My sadness stays in the shower longer than usual,
gets angry a little too easily, and cries a little too much
when watching The Notebook.
It doesn’t look like sadness or walk like sadness or talk like sadness
But that doesn’t mean it isn’t sadness.


You can’t see my sadness.
It doesn’t show like a person with a
broken leg and crutches
You don’t take one look at it and know that
It is crippled and broken down


My sadness is like cancer
You don’t know it’s there until you strip me down
peel back the layers of my skin
to see that I’ve been breathing an air like smoke
that’s caused a growth in my lungs and heart so
that each breath I take, each drop of blood that flows
through my veins feels like a weight on my chest that
can only be lifted with you laying beside me and holding
me until I feel as light as a feather souring through the wind
after finally break free of its bird. Its burd-en.
The thing that’s been holding it down, keeping it from doing
the impossible. But, possibly you can’t lift that weight.
possibly it’s only me that can lift that weight.

Possibly it’s been me the whole time.
Possibly I am the one that kicks happiness out the door
When it stops by because I don’t see happiness
Without you here
But how dare I place the image of happiness
Only in your presence when happiness can fall
In from any joke, or laugh, or smile
And happiness can stay past the sunset
Because you can still see happiness when all you feel
Is the darkness
Happiness can come in when the door
Is bolted shut because happiness doesn’t
Ask if it can come over
Happiness waltzes right in, unannounced, but
Always welcome.
So the next time my sadness is sitting at the table
And we are having a cup of coffee,
And happiness runs through the door
I will show sadness the exit
And then turn to happiness and say “it is great to
See you, please stick around for a while.”
And later when it gets up to leave
I will grab it by the arm and hold
onto it tighter than you ever held me.
 Aug 2020 Ashyraroy
Staring Up At The Plain, Lifeless Ceiling,
I Spend A Sleepless Night Alone Talking,
The Ceiling Says That It Is Never Falling,
And That Her I Should Finally Ignore,
But How Do I Ignore myself knowing,
For She Habitually Uttered Such - Lies,
I Had Been Such A Foolish Young Man,
Best Way To Moveon Is To Stop Feeling.
Angel Remembered – Part 3/7

HP Poem #1191
©Atul Kaushal
 Apr 2020 Ashyraroy
 Apr 2020 Ashyraroy
I was strong.

I was strong when my preschool teacher told me that I was never going to be an artist because I wasn't talented enough.

I was strong when I told my first crush that I liked him and he told me he would never like someone like me because I was fat and ugly.

I was strong as I was bullied severely for 6 years in elementary school.

I was strong when a kid wrapped swing chains around my neck and tried to choke me.

I was strong when I was told by the school counselor that no one would ever want to be my friend in middle school.

I was strong when on the first day of junior high I was pushed off of the risers and onto the floor by fellow classmates.

I was strong when my parents got a divorce.

I was strong when I had my first panic attack.

I was strong after I attempted suicide.

I was strong when I was officially diagnosed with anxiety and depression.

I was strong when my father kicked me out.

I was strong when my brother beat me in my car.

I was strong when I had to act as hospice care for one of my grandfathers.

I was strong when my grandfathers died.

I was strong when my dad's wife tried to convince me that I was worthless and unworthy of love.

I was strong when my entire family abandoned me fight over only my brother in a custody battle.

I was strong when I failed my first class ever and almost lost all of my scholarships.

I was strong when my mom told me "whatever" when she was mad and I talked about killing myself.

I was strong when I wanted to drop out of college and relapse into my suicidal thoughts.

If I can be strong through all of that, I can be strong again.

I am strong.

Even if I don't always feel that way.
Stay strong.

— The End —