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 Jan 2015 AA
You are like a disease
Growing on my heart
Leaving shards of mirror
Reflecting my face in
Shattered despair
All I want is a cure
Some way to endure
I don't want to compare myself
To the mistakes you chose over me
I don't want to hate the broken human
With a haunting resemblance
Of who I used to be
I want to move on
But I can't quite figure out how
Because when a part
.....of you...
....still loves....
Who do you turn to
Who becomes the medicine
When your cure
Has become your disease
 Jan 2015 AA
You never really notice
How big your tiny bed is
Or how little space you take up
As you try to fill the emptiness next to you
Until you're craving somebody to fill the space for you.

And then you realize:
Only that person can.

 Jan 2015 AA
Özcan Mermaid
 Jan 2015 AA
Özcan Mermaid
Missing you
comes in waves.
I feel mellow,
I feel a rush; hitting me like a tsunami.
Nothing is ever consistent with you;
and won't be it seems
(just like the sea.)
 Jan 2015 AA
Mark Lecuona
I know a gift when I see one
And that’s what you are to me
There's nothing that you want
Except eyes that only your scars can see

Neither one of us expect to love again
It’s as if we never knew how
We know one another
Yet our hearts only see strangers now

I can see you
But I can no longer speak
I once made you laugh
So why do I feel so weak?

It’s sad to think of never again
We build walls we never lower
We blame the future on our past
Our affection is a princess locked in a tower

I can see you
But I can no longer speak
I once made you laugh
So why do I feel so weak?

There is nothing you have to do
No promises
No midnight calls
Just let it be me when the time is right
Why does it seem like leaving you alone is best?
I’m not going to repeat all his lines
It just makes it seem like someone else's night

I can see you
But I can no longer speak
I once made you laugh
So why do I feel so weak?
Song lyrics
 Jan 2015 AA
 Jan 2015 AA
i'll wake up and be glad i did.
something i need to keep
reminding myself
 Jan 2015 AA
Amitav Radiance
Love never had words
A feeling experienced by soul
And stored in the heart’s vault
Somehow lost in translation
When we used words for love
We come close
Not enough to express its essence
Love has different meaning
Felt in silence
In each other’s gaze
In the embrace
And the kiss
While holding hands
Feel the rhythm
When hearts beat in sync
Feel the connect
Love is louder than ever
And not lost in words
Love reverberates in harmony
 Jan 2015 AA
Ellen Stewert
I am going to snap
break her back

I swear if she talks in that tone
I will sucker punch that ***** in the gut

She's mean without reason
she's a **** without a purpose

but I pity her
she has no personality
and a nasally voice

It shocking her 8 year relationship finally became
a marriage engagement

I hope he leaves her at the altar

— The End —