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Have you ever wondered what would hurt most: Saying something and wishing you had not, or saying nothing and wishing you had?
I would choose otherwise.
Ever thought of the life of a raindrop
  Flying through the atmosphere 
Such an idyllic trip
  Then Splat!

But that's not the end of the story
   Filtering through rocks and sand
An inevitable journey
   Then Splash!

Travelling in underground caverns
   Darkness slowly ebbing
Light sneaking in
   Then Flash!

Rivulets become streams become rivers
   And all the while flowing to the ocean
A delightful destination
   Then Ouch!

Old Sol beams down his scorching rays
   Drawing water vapours into his embrace
Rising, grouping, clouding
   Then . . .
Everyone knows this story has no end
A stones throw from heaven
To bad they close at eleven
Guess I'll be eating with the devil again
He doesn't care about all my sin
We'll talk and laugh and drink some gin
We'll play pinochle and I'll let him win
I'll never have to worry about being cold
I won't be blinded by the street's of gold
I'll play fetch with his hound
Won't have to worry about that heavenly crown
We'll smoke a bowl and get real high
Won't have to worry about how angels fly
We'll crank that metal music up till the earth shakes
No worrying about being tested till I break
I'll be there with the rest of the primates
No  more worrying about those locked pearly gates
This is where the earth
There were piles of refuse time
Over millions of years
Wants to stand up

Walk the walk where the stand
Hundreds of thousands of
Light-years away
My friend, the North Star
Of his many friends
Lost in the pit of time

Mother's hair grew gray
All sides of the wall
Of the house has broken
Rust is over the grills of window
Said goodbye to dreams

White childhood,
Blue adolescence,
The red color of youth,
Instead of
Bruises under the eyes
Sending love to the jail
My friend is now hanging
within four frames of the wall

This is where the earth
Everything turns to be
A graveyard
Gray ash color valley
On that
History's foot print
will be exist

Nobody did not come back
The sun may never
rise again
Love is beneath
the silent dark of trash
All the truths will be turned
into devour
@Musfiq us shaleheen
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