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  Nov 2016 Apachi Ram Fatal
Doug Potter
We stand on the sidewalk
cousin Jamie and me, with

a bible in my right hand,
I drape my left arm

around her lopsided
shoulders and cold brace;

she seldom smiles,
even as the shutter clicks.
Apachi Ram Fatal Sep 2016
Hope enticed inquisition I need to
praise kudos to such foundations
kneeling on my head upside down
I wish she never fell down the stairs
could have stayed accord within
such beauty a free spirit she
was my other half. I miss her kteer.
and feel like I want to still the moon
in hopeful delight the biggest bear
hug around her chest. I loved her so
much my sleeve drenched in
emptiness. i swore on the bible more
than once if she ever left I would ****
honestly honorably cross my heart in
shame i haven't been the same man
she deserved not broken Windows
from bruised eyes jammed her head
up against the wall and missed
crashing on glass running through
the house into the bathroom
drowned her hair in the tub dumb
blond ***** mother father spanked
stupid out of my life lonely stranger left
never told me how she felt about her
son before she was gone with the wind

I've fit pieces of the past cracked shattered peacing together
the reckless child blamed himself for the arrest unrested the rest
of his strife debilitated in blessedfull unloved loved bliss forfeited
day in the life of a lonely ghost
Apachi Ram Fatal Sep 2016
fulfilled two hoax with one tree express
stix and stones upon greenest branches
high birth dwell assemble ducks straight
wood delayed bosomed under ****
hyperventilating incubated *******
red face blemished mild to wild ***
harassed plucked feathered a ram pecker
bird sext for just a tuppence second
***** ladies tweet ravaged scramble
long white tees unclothe eggshells
knocking hollow full of yoke hard
pounding ******* french
foreplay kisses ****** ***** in holster
expelling spermatozoa in suspension
accidents happen erotically
  Sep 2016 Apachi Ram Fatal
On a boardwalk across the universe I meet with her.  For the first time and last.  I could not think of anything to say to her.  I just listen to what she has to say instead.  Her light skin and firey brown eyes warm the cold night around me.  She sips a star rain under the dim lights.  And then she smiles.  The perfect moment.  All the stars seem to fall from the sky.  The sky is full of infinite wishes.  But she is still smiling.  Nothing compares to that view.  Not even a sky full of falling stars and wishes.
Why wish for anything else.
  Sep 2016 Apachi Ram Fatal
Mike Adam
You carry words
In your belly-
Pregnant meaning

I read in awe
Raw emotion
Direct communication..

Avoid spilling
Into oblivion

Your beauty
Lights the world
Courage inspiration
Apachi Ram Fatal Aug 2016
Reconfigure needs to assign energy reconstruct fate and reverse engineer brainwaves to elevated futures enforcing ideas hibernating preeminent brilliance coming alive prenatal evolution. Welcoming thee to link in brain hemorrhage head free on a shopping spree alleviate mediocrity due diligently glance therapeutically window shine prosaically undress darkness **** psychoanalyze intelligently spread wings subscribe winds induct words deliver mind body and soul conjugate reversibly combine spirit turn angle internally.

​Working in elbow greased verbs ruminating deep pronounce invalidation entangled in idiocracy launching user friendly web pages intrinsically a freakonomic domain going insane shining rays cracking sunscreens helping planetary rounds eclipse about solar. Wax-on-Wax-off endocrine white space kick back black text in crain form ordained.

​Quite straight typing fellow with a fix on crooked to the point hypnosis evergreen bemuses natural flying air gravity hyperbole making oxymoron's two using sarcasm to go long sideways without end zone in sight; billions of stars away touches down.

Creating arms wide open webbed developers to jump off board and dive right in the Olympic pools front end incorporate within the monitor individuals made in presence of human impressions form unconsciously with thought feeling present in complacent premonition based evident affectionately loving blessedness implode

Ease in tranquility be seated comfortably cloud with deep breathe cushion lungs good follow the white rabbit onscreen to the address key in hole glow open discovery unlock visually learning the curve existentially along the Matrix true reality astute concurrently.

Ethereal beings mandate a collection of comprehensive passed down past up pass me downs full circle explanations; made up of endemic observations and epidemic considerations resulting from interactions with contagious social behaviors and their impact on individual conscience.

Maintaining the world is determined by controlled subconscious energy that makes up existence as a form of matter which in effect mettle's with humanities identity nodes in phenomenon mode pleasures contently raptures jovially in euphoria transported from delight merriment underneath skin deep.

​Poetic justice discharges an operator whom enlightens with irrational equations derives proportional equators inverts elements to the 7th degree in universal oneness; entrusting quintessence to implicate love as much as the seven sky's, moons and suns multiply by infinity guides trinity on the other side of dark eternally alleviating once and for all levitating time with no barrier black holes hiding dimensional authenticity atom reeves ring aperture.
Time for All or Nothing Forgone
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