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 Sep 2020 Antonyme
Hurt is a reminder
that love is
Note to self.
 Sep 2020 Antonyme
 Sep 2020 Antonyme
There's no place on earth,
more peaceful than
the redwoods
California wisdom.
 Sep 2020 Antonyme
 Sep 2020 Antonyme
orange morning light
and snow-flake ash

the taste of burnt manzanita    

fire to the north,
fire to the south
a valley enclosed
in uncertainty

apocalyptic sun
blotted out by
a color just as beautiful
as it is eery
California, 2020
 Sep 2020 Antonyme
You are my A ngel
You are my B etterhalf
You are my C uore mio
You are my D arling
You are my E cstasy
You are my F uture
You are my G em
You are my H appiness
You are my I deal choice
You are my J oy
You are my K ing
You are my L ife line
You are my M iracle
You are my N utty
You are my O bsession
You are my P ossession
You are my Q uerida
You are my R ide or die
You are my S akura
You are my T reasure
You are my U niverse
You are my V ita mia
You are my W orld
You are my X ena
You are my Y ummy bear
You are my Z eus

Thatched roof gazebo, ocean air
The plastic of the chair
Tanned, beige to a tad bit brown
The sunning shows wear, but no tear

The view of the sea
From the highway
Foaming, white lather cream
A dreamer’s dream, within

The canoe, rightly placed
The blue of it juxtaposed
To the green of sea and the trees
A journey to begin
 Sep 2020 Antonyme
Misused abused tough
body hits and heart attacks
only bleeding love
Abused by drug addicted kids and abusive husband's it is extremely tough for mother's in the gangster riddled Capeflats to cope love coupled with faith has an unbelievable way of carrying them through
 Sep 2020 Antonyme
 Sep 2020 Antonyme
you were just as lost
as the ocean around you
 Apr 2020 Antonyme
 Apr 2020 Antonyme
I never thought I'd matter
To anyone

Until you
Came along

And changed my perspective
Of the universe

You made me feel
Like I matter

And I'm grateful
For you.
 Apr 2020 Antonyme
 Apr 2020 Antonyme
Foiled at every turn
some say this as cliche,
for me it is true.

Every love affair spoils,
each chance at wealth stolen,
any opportunity to get ahead blocked.

Flower petals fall when
the bee refuses it's kiss, or
light reserves its brilliance.
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