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From dust we are born and
to dust we shall return

Born in diapers
And in diapers.
We shall return

However, that’s not
Even our biggest concern
We learn to rationalize,
Soon it’ll be our turn

However that’s not the
worst of what is to come
Memory loss, the ultimate cost
Dementia, Senility, Alzheimer’s

True it doesn’t happen to all, Just some
Who answers the call
However evidently nobody
will know their outcome

Add in a myriad of
other ailments for good measure
The word “walk” at your own leisure  
has a new meaning it’s rather demeaning

Each person’s, inevitable fate
Life’s journey Check Mate
We learn to slow our gate
turn another page life’s gage

Yes we celebrate OLD AGE Ironic, plutonic
Chronic, crate paper crinkles like her skin
Beautiful hands now liver spots wrinkle
and black balloons they think that’s funny. Oh don’t fret honey. Just the Young ins  

They don’t understand
What it means to have a good day
No significant illness’ to speak of today
Why do we celebrate so many ask
Living with ailments, is a laborious task

We celebrate;
The life we’ve livedThe love we give
The things we’ve seen places we’ve been
The people we’ve known death shown

The things we’ve done While having fun
In our prime, another day another time
We were bigger than life, 10 feet tall
Even the gladiators eventually fall

Nobody ever ages gracefully  
Most Fight it every step of the way
The Golden years worldly and wise
We shrink before our very eyes
Our skin wrinkles sagging
The immense pain ever nagging

The wonders of age and getting old.
A word of the wise don’t believe the lies
It’s not for the weak meek its for the bold
I will age gracefully I’ll never be too old
I have the propensity for living life large

Even knowing
Sickness will bring  us to our knees
“The JUICE  is worth the squeeze”

Inspired song
1) Grandma‘s hands by Bill Withers
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
Propensity often intense, natural inclination, tendency, Appiness. Usually irresistible inclination, example propensity for the inability of risk.
Does anyone ever notice the older you get the  term old changes.. I remember at the age of 10 I thought 20 was old. At the age of 30 I thought 50 was old now it’s 63. I think it is old. Interesting that Worker moves. age is a relative concept you’re as young as you feel keep it real
Two things I detest
A disrespectful child
Parent approval

Copious comments
In my mind, I hold my tongue
Lethargic parents

Impugn their motives
Wild child discipline
Capricious children

Inspired song
Evie Brat Music by MattyB Vlogs
YouTube 2021

A Renku is a haiku5-7-5 syllables
Using multiple poets. One poet makes a statement and the next poet will reply and so on…. In this exercise I am the poet on different days with a different mindset?
BLT webster’s Word of the Day
lethargic 8-19-24
Lethargic describes people who feel a lack of energy lack of interest, sluggish.

To watch a child completely out of control with the parents approval is insane. Woke parents without a clue of what to do.
Poem, written, 7–20 2–24, posted 8 – 16–24
Was it true anything you said?
Or that mess was all about
Getting back at your ex?
Placing me on your bed
And then shutting me out
After a meaningless night of ***?
Sometimes I still wonder what it meant...
 Aug 20 Anais Vionet
It was like a perfect storm
All the ingredients were there
It was like all the pieces had fallen into place
Taylor Swift was coming to Dublin for some gigs
My niece was a big fan of hers
I was a bit of a fan myself, she had some great songs and videos
She had just put out a new album and it was called
"The Tortured Poets Department"
Now I'd once written a funny poem (Electric funeral) and mentioned Taylor in it.

So my niece comes down to visit
And she asks "What have you been up to Uncle, I haven't seen you in awhile ?"
I looked at her a bit weirdly and then said real mysterious like
"It happened !"
"What happened ?" she asks a bit concerned,
"Taylor Swift happened".
"What! You mean you were at the concerts".
"Well, not quite... kind of".
"What do you mean ?"
So I explain "I once wrote this funny poem and Taylor Swift was in it, I posted it online
It has a lot of views"
Then I say "She must have read my poem and then read my other poems. Y'know she has a new album out, you know what she's called it ?"
"Yes! she replies "it's called... isn't it called The Tortured Poets Department"
"You see!" I say as if it's self evident, "my poems they inspired her new album. So of course when she came to Dublin she wanted to meet me...  I was summoned... to go up and see her backstage
I was ushered into her presence
She had this lovely friendly welcoming smile just for me
And I could feel straightaway there was this... this chemistry, this spark there between the two of us
So I said to her "Careful now Taylor, if you ever fell in love with me girl
You'd start writing even better songs".
A bit of fun.
Hot as the sand's
breath upon my back
The eyes of the Anunnaki
like a duststorm
welcomes me back

There is an inference
. . . a deference
. . . and a resistence
to their age

There's a shadow of energy tingling
against the skin of my bones
They are dreams that didn't stand but stumbled , fell ,
. . . and now they are gone

There the sun's constant echo in the canyons of desires

But all I hear are the wails of Ululation of the outliers

Sand , Sand , Sand
Crushed into dust
Buries the ashes
turns truth to rust

Ululation is the warbling singimg of the people of the Middle East and Africa .Mashelem - Aramaic for "it is finished" . The last three words of Jesus .
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