In my weakest moments
The ant always has the greatest comments;
Take it as a stage
Or a story and hurry the page
If only I had the mouths to spill
My horror stories will the world fill
A tooth that will break, does not need a vigorous shake
It can embarrass the rotten banana by falling without a brake
People believe our parts are pre-scripted
The sooner you take it as it is, the sooner your path will be corrected
Worries, like a swam of bees, whip to their fill
Before leaving the scene where their intruders try to ****
You are the brick, you decide to burn strong
Or be weak and risk not lasting long"
Just these words make me
And the path clears for me.
Amoafowaa Sefa Cecilia (c) 2014
Whatever we go through, no matter how painful is transient. It shall pass with the wind if you strengthen our feet on the ground.