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Don't know who awaits me in the corner
Behind the door
in the bushes
But most certainly they'll be loved
Most certainly they'll have my soul in their hands having me as their puppet
My strings will be unbreakable
As long as I'm cared for with diligence
I won't lose my value
I'll be more than the coins in their pockets
I'll be their token
Don't know who awaits me in the fog
But when they find me they'll never desire any chances of losing me
They'll hold me captive in their heart without a time frame
I'll be apart of their wasted youth
Their daily returns
I'll be apart of who they are or will become
They'll love me with everything that makes them who they are
They'll know that they've loved me before I came to exist

By: Leory Santana Dawn
Night wrapped in night
came to take me
my bones shattered
my vessel was cast away
Day wrapped in day
Awakened me
I've became whole
A new breath
A new beginning
New opportunities

By: Leory Santana Dawn
Why can’t I see?
What they want me to be
Why can’t I say?
What they need me to say
Because the more I go
The more I keep falling apart
I keep dying
Endless circles for what I’ve done
So if I keep going
If I keep falling
Will there be any hope for me?  
All I wanted to do
Was make a sound that could be heard
Not for every ear
Not for all to hear
But just to those
Who want to get through life
Who are done suffering just like me
Make me see
Just how eternal love can me
Please just ******* show me.
I go through loops and loops,
Constant hell, because I never learn
I never learn.
So will you die for me
Just so I can see
Die for me
So I can see
Cut me to show me that I bleed
This is my only need
Cut me, cut me
Cut me out!
I need this
I need this
I need this presence!
I need you in me!
Call to action
Bring the moksha.
Bring me peace.
I can’t take this
Day to day
I keep forgetting to breathe
Falling in the ocean
Failing at everything
So end this loop
And all that I know, baby
And bring me to a brand new world.
Rise me up like Lazarus
Breathe life into my bones
Recreate me,
Make me whole.
This circle of hell
Is so real that I can’t tell
What is real
What is fake
These walls keep closing in
Hold me closer, baby
Don’t let me fall
Shame is unforgiving
I know my past
What I am asking now
Is that you please, hold me up
Please, for god’s sake
Hold me up.
God forgive me
I just need this boat to float
God forgive me
I just need this boat to float
God forgive me
I just need this boat to float
Baby, help me
Make me see
Just how eternal love can be.
Make me see
Just how eternal love can be.
upcoming song.
 May 2017 allie
Luna Marie
Then suddenly,
You became a stranger.
Cut me to show me that I bleed
Make me see
*just how eternal love can be
A lie  was told
It's free for them
Others spend years paying
To breath cost a lot just as well as sleeping
A lie that was told
We die as they strive to live forever robbing from the innocent, the poor, and the dead

They ****
They take
They lie
They destroy

While we're in ******* for such crimes
A free country
If only my laughter was heard
Where is this free country?

Our rules were founded by criminals
That's even more hilarious
We beg
Give our lives
Make many more sacrifices

They smile
It's a joke to them
A sick joke

A free country for them
We dwell in it

By: Leory Santana Dawn
You know my name

not my story

you've heard what I've done
BuT NOt wHaT I'Ve bEeN ThRouGH
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