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 Apr 2014 AMEN
Just for me
 Apr 2014 AMEN
He was tortured
and humilated
for me

He was hung on the cross
while people screamed hurtful things
for me

He rose from the dead
and from Satin he took the key
for me

He broke chains for me
made a path that I can see
A path that lead to heaven
he did that, for me

Jesus died for me
In morning light so radiant
As spears cast from the Sun
As glimmering shafts of daybreak fall
The blanket fog of cool of night
Is pierced and soon is gone

May my love to you be Sun
And my words be to you light
And may they pierce your shadow shroud
And bring your soul to life
 Apr 2014 AMEN
Jacqueline Flores
 Apr 2014 AMEN
Jacqueline Flores
How stupid of me to think I was the only star you saw in the sky
 Apr 2014 AMEN
Andrew P Marheine
I found her near a large Oak in the woods,
Not far from where that old cabin stood,
She was sputtering blood and not far from death,
I hadn't much water, but I gave her what was left,
Her eyes so weary and the purest black,
I felt heartless and wondered what her attacked,
Her wounds malicious and so very deep,
Yet she didn't convulse or even weep,
The Sun was almost rising then,
I wondered what compelled such men,
She had been, the passed night, all alone,
I knew all she wanted was Home,
And slowly her eyes went right to mine,
At that moment, I knew inside,
I watched every ounce pass from this life,
I sat there, pathetic, wondering if I could cry,
I heard her last painful and drowning breath,
She heard, like a gavel, my passing steps.
 Apr 2014 AMEN
Michael Amery
I broke again today.
Mind caged behind emotions
Not of my making,
Not of my choosing.

The tempest whipped up
By foreign deities
Which reside inside
Whom do not mask their hate.

I cry out for your help
Even as I strike your hand
When you reach for me.

Yet you stand resolute
In the wake of my broken fury,
Birthing new love within me
As I find strength in numbers
For I am no longer alone.
She leans on faith
As victims do
To make it through
To heaven's gate;

And though she cries
Black swollen eyes,
Her feet two bleed
On sacred ground;

Her battered pride
She tries to hide
Under the guise
Of laughter;

She wears a smile
For every mile
Of sorrow
Life throws at her;

She shakes a dollar
From a dime
And makes
Her quarters cry;

She gathers pennies
By the roll
Until the well
Runs dry;

Her only vice:
A man of ice
Who brings her
Joy and pain;

From gothic eyes
To granite fists,
She's shackled
To his chains;

And scores of us
Who know her not
Do scoff
And call her names;

We judge her plight
From distant heights
Like Gods
Of her domain;

We know not why
She wears a smile
For every mile
Of sorrow;

Perhaps she knows
That woes unearned
Are all redeemed
Tomorrow ...

Perhaps she knows
That woes unearned
Are all redeemed

~ P
To live and earn;
To risk and learn
From chances missed
To treasures spurned

To laugh and cry;
To leap and fly
The jagged peaks
Of mountains high

To act and lead;
To plant the seed
That trees might grow
From fields below

To ask and probe;
To break the code,
The ties that bind,
The keys of mind

To dream and love;
To scream and shove
And carve in stone
An earthly throne

To sing and write;
To feel the plight
Of victims wronged
And make it right

To live!

~ P
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