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 Apr 2014 AMEN
Robert Blankenship
Christ the living saviour
Once died upon the cross
He willingly gave his life
For men like us , Lost

He was tortured , beaten, mocked
Then nailed upon the tree
This great pain he endured
For men like you and me

Upon the cross he hung
A spear ****** into his side
Father please forgive them
Are words our saviour cried

A crown of painful thorns
Was pressed upon his head
His blood flowed down his body
Till the saviour at last was dead

A thief hung on his left
A thief hung on his right
When Christ gave up the ghost
The day was turned to night

Placed into a borrowed tomb
His body laid as if it were froze
Then just as he had promised
On the third day he arose

With victory over death
He came forth from the grave
With victory over death
That men through faith in him be saved

He showed himself to many
Then to heaven he did ascend
An angel said to those present
This same Christ you shall see again

To the earth he shall return
The words written they are true
Christ he is coming back
For men like me and you
When the thirst for freedom
Quenches the hunger of fear,
The cups of the oppressed
Shall fill to overflowing
With courage and zest
To wrestle,
By every means necessary,
rights and liberties
Denied far too long,
From the lascivious grasp
Of tyrants and kings;
So bloated by the feast,
They ate their lies
For dessert...
And forgot the truth.
~ P
 Apr 2014 AMEN
Francie Lynch
I only want to talk with you,
To walk and spend an hour with you.
I only ask to see your smile,
Love you for a little while.

     But you say:

     It's not your turn
     To look for me,
     Or listen to me breathe.
     You will not touch;
     I will not hear
     The lie beneath the plea.

It's not for you I ask these things,
It's just my lonely disposition.
My situation's getting tough,
My demands are not so much.

     But you say:

     It's not your turn to stay awhile,
     I am not some listless child.
     Turn away you can't stay long,
     Your love is prematurely born.
     Go away.

And now these days lag
Like wounds,
That will not heal or seal my pain.
My need is more than I can endure.

     Yet you say:
     Offer some other church your money.
     Call some other Mary honey.
     Nail some other rightless wrong.
     Offer some other girl your song.
     Hoard it for the white-necked lay.
     You know you cannot stay.
     It's not your turn today.
     It's not your turn.
     Turn away.
 Apr 2014 AMEN
Jonny Angel
I saw
the underbelly
of a dragon
in my sleep last night
revealing the mysteries
of the entire universe
& somewhere else,
in my imaginations,
I set a wild horse free.

— The End —