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Mar 2015 · 1.2k
Shooting stars and candles,
eyelashes and full moons;
it's not a bowl of lucky charms,
but wishes for us loons.

So break a wishbone if you must;
throw a penny in a well,
but know my dear that in the end,
a wish is but a shell.

You can blow the dandelion seeds,
and watch them float away,
but don't waste your time on wishes child;
go out and seize the day.
Mar 2015 · 39.3k
Waves on the ocean
Flowing with the moon-set tides,
Met by seas of sand
A simple haiku
Mar 2015 · 440
I Can't Hear
But when my Heart
and my Mind
are screaming
their own separate thoughts,
how can you expect me
to hear
when you whisper
"I love you."
Mar 2015 · 801
Happy Easter
My grandma is smiling.
My uncle is recounting a story.
My sister is telling a dumb joke.

We laugh.

My aunt is bragging about her children from a previous marriage.
My uncle is making fun of his mentally ill brother.
My mother is sticking up for him.

We eat.

My aunt is asking about my future.
My cousin is talking about herself.
My uncle is complaining about his job.

We pretend to care.

My cousin is trying to hide his drunkenness.
My aunt is talking about Jesus.
My uncle is warning us of the government's plans.

We change the subject.

My sister is attempting to join the conversation.
My aunt is ignoring her.
My mother is getting angry.

We stop pretending.

My uncle is calling my mother a *****.
My aunt is reprimanding my uncle for swearing.
My mother is throwing her plate.

I watch.

My sister is crying.
My cousin is laughing.
My mother is leaving.

I help clean up.

My grandma is smiling.

— The End —